Carmen Cojocaru #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy
Currently it seems that we are in the agony of an outdated world and a new era. We have entered a period in which events are rushing: social conflicts, religious fanaticism, pandemics, wars, economic, political, scientific crises, climate changes, natural catastrophes.
Many say that it is the Apocalypse, meaning the last times and final catastrophes, but the true meaning is different. Apocalupsis in Greek means "to raise the tide", "to reveal". So the apocalypse is the revelation or the desecretion or the removal of the garbage from under the press. The Revelation of John mentions the ancient serpent, the liberation of mankind from the yoke of the great reptile, the war between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness
Human-reptilian deities appear in theogonies all over the world and actively participate in the first creative energies. Statuettes, papyri, stone documents, all oblige us to consider the reptilian form as an archetype and symbol.
The clay tablets and statuettes tell a story that we do not find in the Bible, the Koran, the Torah or the Zohar, but instead we find it abundantly in the Gnostic texts about the Archons. According to Anton Parks, the Retilian gods of ancient Sumer controlled the genetic bank and the planet, diverting them to serve their own ambitions. The Girku chronicles speak of the rivalries of the reptilian clans, some (the faction of Enki-Ea-Sa'am.)
We are all potential gods and we all have an immortal soul. The revelation of the truths hidden since the beginning of time regarding the creation of mankind, the true nature of God and the gods will become accessible today and will completely destabilize the three great monotheistic religions.
The future of humanity necessarily implies an awareness and an understanding of the past and its origins. The exogenous hypothesis is the most logical and the most credible.