This site is dedicated to converting hethen-liberals into God-fearing conservatives who follow the words and wisdom of George W. Bush, reject the ACLU and pro-homosexual agenda. I want to prepare you liberals for conversion and for the coming Rapture. R U Rapture Ready? You better be or you will be left behind.
I have never before seen the words "George W. Bush" and "wisdom" in the same sentence. I am astounded that it is even possible to use them both; I half expect my computer to implode the moment I press the "Submit" button.
Alberto...friend...fellow human, blind faith in anyone or anything is a really bad idea. Think for yourself.
And by the way, the REAL "God-fearing conservatives" have abandoned GWB as being too soft, wimpy, pro-gay, and sucking up to the liberals. You are behind the times, man. You aren't even close to the cutting edge of right wing nuttiness anymore.
I have never before seen the words "George W. Bush" and "wisdom" connected in the same sentence without the use of a negative to show the lack of correlation.
If you can show me a good reason to change my political views, go for it. If the reasoning is sound, I'll be willing to change. It has failed to happen, however. So I think I'll happily continue to support civil rights for all people, and not just those belonging to the right brand of religion.
If this guy is going to Heaven, I'd rather go to Hell. If this guy is getting Raptured, I'd rather get left behind. If George W. Bush has wisdom, I'd rather be ignorant.
I've never understood the idea that fearing "God" is the expected, good behavior of Xians, and yet the Xians always proclaim their "God" to be just and loving, in fact, they claim him to be love itself. Why am I supposed to be afraid of that.
Of course, if the Bible is right about the horrors "God" commits, then , yes, I should be afraid, but that means that all this "God" of love stuff is crap.
"[W]isdom of George W. Bush"
Boy, there's a strange phrase.
I don't believe in the "rapture," however, if you'd like to take a long walk on a short pier I will be happy to be left behind.
So... what you're saying is... Rapture Ready is devoted to removing all of the brain except the stem from "heathen-liberals", in the hopes that such will be sufficient to drag them down to your own pathetic excuse for a level of intellect?
It's funny, really. Both people like that nutjob, and people like myself, are both hoping for the rapture to actually occur. They, because they... I dunno... want to be whisked away to a land of candy canes and farts that smell like roses, or some shit, and I because I want to be rid of all those batshit insane fucks.
So basically you're offering individuals a platter with a red pill and a blue pill.
The blue pill is a nice, but relatively harmless set of Omega 3 fatty acids and a bit of endorphin enducing substances.
The red pill you want people to take contains powerful neurotoxins and psychotropic substances.
Have you run this by the FDA?
The word "rapture" is not in the bible, you fucktard.
If you consider GW Bush wise, I fear for America, truly.
If George W Bush is a good Christian, then why did he not turn the other cheek when 9/11 happened?
Why did he invade Iraq when the Iraqis had nothing to do with 9/11, had no weapons of mass destruction, and were unable to attack America in any way?
I thought Christians were supposed to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?
And for the last time, Jesus was a liberal . Deal with it!
I thought Christians were supposed to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?
That or rewrite the teachings until they're following that version, yeah.
Let's have a after rapture party. I'll get the pot, you guys fix the music, drinks, stuff for the BBQ and we'll have Satan bring the BBQ.
This is going to be one kick ass party.
Hmmm. Going a Heaven which is a den of Calvinist/Dominionists like Alberto Tripp or being "left behind".
George Bush or being "left behind"?
Karl Rove or being "left behind"?
James D. Kennedy or being "left behind"?
Ralph Reed or being "left behind"?
Pat Robertson or being "left behind"?
Rapture Ready or "left behind"?
Given those choices, this Christian would opt for being "left behind".
"This site is dedicated to "converting" liberals into conservatives who blindly follow a dictator and fear the big powerful sky fairy he allegedly has on his side, and who reject the idea that they are entitled to civil rights and other people are entitled to equal rights. You must be prepared for conversion; this will make you holy and pure."
Are you sure this wasn't written by George Orwell?
Ah, this is *exactly* what I always said they were about and it was continually denied. (To be fair, it isn't all, but enough to be scary.) Their politics equals their religion and Bush is their prophet.
If heaven is filled with people like you, give me hell any day. (Or as a Lostprophets song title puts it, "Heaven for the Weather, Hell for the Company".)
The only effect your site is having on us heathen liberals is paroxysms of laughter. If you want to convince us of something, you better have a good argument and be ready for our counter-arguments. If you try and do not even have a semi-reasonable argument, you will only make it that much harder for the next guy who tries.
This site is dedicated to converting hethen-liberals into God-fearing conservatives who follow the words and wisdom of George W. Bush,
Are you serious? The man's not fit to run a children's soccer team, let alone a country!
reject the ACLU
The ACLU fights for religious freedoms. This includes yours. Just because they take away your rights to persecute others doesn't mean they're persecuting you.
pro-homosexual agenda
I have yet to see a SINGLE good, truthful reason why gays are bad. Not one. Until you can tell me how they're evil in the numbers they are in right now, kindly shut the fuck up.
I want to prepare you liberals for conversion and for the coming Rapture. R U Rapture Ready? You better be or you will be left behind.
If not getting rapture'd means getting away from you religious fuckwads, see ya!
Rapture Ready? No, your site is dedicated to spreading the (non-Biblical) delusion and as a support group for same delusion. No one would be converted reading the stupidity of that site, it's only users are the already deluded
Rapture Ready bans anyone that has a thought that might disagree with what the moderators believe. It is incapable of connverting anyone because anyone not already "converted" is kicked out.
Rapture Ready serves only as a warning of what happens to the human mind when it ceases to be used. Rapture Ready is a monument to the ignorance of everything.
Where did Jesus say following a half-wit warmonger, squelching the free speech and liberties of others or oppressing a group that has no effect or designs against you at all were criteria to get to heaven? You guys are the ones that jump up and down, screaming that "It's so easy! All you have to do is believe in JEEEEEEZUS, and you get into heaven!" Moving the goalposts once that includes people you don't like? Or just when you have an agenda and need the manpower to back you?
Berny, you said
"And for the last time, Jesus was a liberal. Deal with it!"
You've forgotten that St Paul was genu-wine conservative. And he wrote more of the Bible than Jesus did.
“This site is dedicated to converting hethen-liberals into God-fearing conservatives”
You’re gonna need a Snickers bar.
“who follow the words and wisdom of George W. Bush,”
Nah, see, MY dad avoided military service in ‘Nam by joining the national guard, but HE showed up for his assignments. Dubya’s a bit of a draft dodger.
"reject the ACLU”
…which fights for your free speech rights? That ACLU?
“and pro-homosexual agenda.”
Yeah, I love my gay son. Not going to become a conservative if it means stomping on him or his rights. Sorry-not-sorry.
"I want to prepare you liberals for conversion”
And a comfy chair, it looks like.
“and for the coming Rapture.”
Coming any time soon! Really! You can trust us THIS TIME!
It’s real! And imminent! For reals!
"R U Rapture Ready?”
I’d rather that my asshole was cable-ready.
“You better be or you will be left behind.”
If the rapture is taking me to a place where you’re going to be comfortable, i’d rather take my chances with Satan.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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