OHDeutschePolkaConfederate #fundie amren.com
My ancestors came to America from Europe, and I'm glad that they had the sense not to miscegenate with the AmerIndians. Before we put the AmerIndians on such a pedestal, we should remember what Hell they put the European settlers through. The Injuns love to fight, get very drunk on small servings of alcohol unlike us Caucasians, and want to wreak havoc once they are snookered. In the Upper Midwest, German and Scandinavian settlers went through Hell with these savages, who were the aggressors 99% of the time. The wild Indians could not just allow folks to peacefully farm the land the Government had sold them. My forebears hated the Native Americans, and had good reason to hate these angry savages who were always attacking for no reason. I'd rather have Arabic Christians from Syria and Lebanon living next to me than some drunken Injun that wants to fight all of the time for absolutely no reason whatsoever, other than their own irascible temperament. I'll take an Injun over a Negro or their Mestizo Chalupa Eater racial cousins, but that is about it. Injuns need to stay segregated from Whites, and intimate relations with them is, IMO, most definitely miscegenation. As far as Yeagley, I liked what he had to say about Whites not allowing our country to be taken from us. I also considered him non-White, and found his referring to himself as a Kraut very off-putting. German Americans calling ourselves Krauts would be akin to Italian Americans calling themselves Dagos, Irish Americans calling themselves Micks, etc. Yeagley was an AmerIndian first and foremost, just like these Mestizos and Mulattoes in that he was most in touch with his non-White side.