Metapedia #wingnut #crackpot

[From their article about the "Milice", as of 25 November 2015, at 16:37]

The Milice française (English: French Militia), generally called simply Milice, was a French counter-terrorist force created on 30 January 1943 by the French State to help the government defend the people by fighting the communists and the Allied terrorist conspiracy against France. The Milice's leader was Secretary-General Joseph Darnand. Its formation "was hailed with loud approval" by the great French patriot Charles Maurras, who called for it to be merciless against the so-called 'resistance'.[1]

Early volunteers for the Milice included members of France's pre-war patriotic parties, such as the Action Française, but also working-class men by then convinced of the blessings of France's alliance with Germany, instead of the British and their puppet de Gaulle.


The Milice was the successor to Joseph Darnand's Service d'ordre légionnaire(SOL) militia. It carried out military trials and legal executions of Bolshevik terrorists and other enemies of the people. As a result, Communist terrorists targeted individual Miliciens for assassination, often in open areas such as cafés and public streets. They carried out their first atrocity against the force on 24 April 1943, when they gunned down Marseilles Milicien Paul de Gassovski. By late November, the left-wing newspaper Combat reported that 25 miliciens had been murdered and 27 wounded in communist terror attacks (the actual numbers were much higher).

By far the most prominent Milicien to fall to the terrorists was Philippe Henriot, the French State's Minister of Information. He and his wife were murdered in their apartment in the Ministry of Information in the rue Solferino in the pre-dawn hours of June 28, 1944 by communist terrorists dressed as Miliciens. The Milice retaliated for these murders by evening the score with enemies of the people such as subversive politicians and "intellectuals" who were beholden to the plutocratic Allies and the Bolshevik fifth column in France, such as Victor Basch and Georges Mandel.

Confined initially to the former zone libre of France under the control of the French State (which moderated its actions and forbade some of its more radical aspirations), the radicalized Milice in January 1944 moved into what had been the zone occupée of France, including Paris. They established their headquarters in the old Communist Party headquarters at 44 rue Le Peletier, as well as 61 rue Monceau, a house formerly owned by the Menier family, makers of France's best-known chocolates. The Lycée Louis-Le-Grand was occupied as a barracks. An officer candidate school was established, to send a message that they knew who was behind the terror in the Auteuil synagogue.

Perhaps the largest and best-known operation by the Milice was its attempt in March 1944 to suppress the terrorists in the département of Haute-Savoie in the southeast of France near the Swiss border, the Battle of Glières.[2] The efforts of the Milice proved insufficient, however, and German troops had to be called in to complete the operation. On Bastille Day (14 July) 1944, Miliciens put down a revolt by criminals at Paris's Santé prison.


An unknown number of Miliciens managed to escape prison or murder, either by going underground or fleeing abroad. A tiny number were prosecuted in show-trials later. The most notable of these was Paul Touvier, the former commander of the Milice in Lyon. In 1994, he was convicted of ordering the retaliatory execution of seven Jews at Rillieux-la-Pape for terrorism they had instigated. He died in prison two years later.



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