At what age is the average female most sexually alluring to an ordinary, healthy, uncastrated male? Is it even possible to ask this question in the climate of today, and expect a reasonably honest answer? There have been a couple of good tries in the anti-feminist community recently, but such attempts inevitably end up with men playing the ‘I’m less of a paedophile than any other man here – feminists might be reading’ game.
Is it even possible to ask this question in the climate of today, and expect a reasonably honest answer?
Translation: "Is it even possible to ask this question and hear the answer I want?"
There have been a couple of good tries in the anti-feminist community recently, but such attempts inevitably end up with men playing the I’m less of a paedophile than any other man here feminists might be reading’ game.
You really do view feminists the way a two-year-old views the Boogeyman, don't you?
"At what age is the average female most sexually alluring to an ordinary, healthy, uncastrated male?"
At what age is the average male most sexually alluring to an ordinary, healthy, unsterilized female?
The question is poorly phrased, because there are other factors that can make a woman attractive to others and not everyone has the same tastes. But it's a moot point, since your definition of "an ordinary, healthy, uncastrated male" is a sex-obsessed creep who demands that all women have sex with him whenever he wants and disappear when he doesn't, and is obviously targeting underage girls because they're easier to bully into filling that role. So Gum Gum Gatling.
"At what age is the average female most sexually alluring to an ordinary, healthy, uncastrated male?"
This question was actually asked, in many different cultures.
"I’m less of a paedophile than any other man here feminists might be reading’ game"
correction. not just feminists, feminists, MRA's, egalitarians, capitalists,communists, anarchists, authoritarians, theists, atheists, rich, poor, enlightened and have bigger problems than the self identified feminists.
I think this is a stupid question, anyway. Who cares about the "average female"? I've never met her, myself. Individuals vary. No one is the average anything. I've seen women that look better in their 40s and up then they did when they were younger. A woman, 9 years older than me, who I was in a relationship with, showed me pictures of her as a teenager, and she was easily still more attractive in her 40s then when she was that age.
It's individual. That's the only answer you can give about who is attracted to what. But an ordinary, healthy, uncastrated male typically prefers a partner to a victim. So.. there's that to keep in mind.
Depends on many things - especially how old the "ordinary, healthy, uncastrated male" is.
And whatever theantifeminst is thinking, he's TOO OLD.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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