White Hat Intel/Judy Byington #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amg-news.com

Not everything is as it seems in Israel and Iran. …Q We are saving Israel for last for a very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Why did Q write this?
The Deep State Cabal in DC are funding both operations in Israel and Iran (Obama, CIA, Carnigie Endowment, Globalist Elites).
IRAN is full of massive corruption that is STILL controlled by Deep State and GLOBALIST/CIA operations.
The only way to clean Iran is through the fall of their Deep State regime. And this includes a REVOLUTION and military intervention currently Russia, Saudi (MBS) are in talks with military leaders in Iran who want to over through the government and clean the house of Iran.
Military intelligence know that Mossad and Iran Deep State operations killed their own President Ebrahim Raisi and the deep state installed the new Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian who is behind the scenes working with Carnegie Endowment.
The Deep State wants Israel to be attacked to bring in sorrow for the ISRAELI and start world military programs to protect Israel. More funding from European countries to Israel and more laws created in world courts. But the real reason (money laundering, creating race wars through the world and blaming Patriots and conservatives thru the U.S., UK, CANADA, EU for racism and anti-semitic hate for talking against the Israeli conflict, deaths and operations. It’s already began in the UK riots as race wars begin and putting nationalist ( those who support their country and people) against the Muslims or against Jews.
We are saving Israel for last because the massive DC corruption, European corruption is inbeded in the Israel Zimost Operation and the fake Kazariran Ashke NAZI Jews of Europe that stole the identity of the real Jewish people. That’s why and how the Rockefellers, Rothchilds came from the same area and region in southern Germany where in 1776 the illuminati was created. The Illuminati Rothschilds, Rockefellers, JP Morgan and Bush family funded Hitler.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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