China has no choice but to act “neutral” despite clearly cheering Putin on, because if they didn’t, they’ll get sanctioned into oblivion too. This is also good for Taiwan because China is “stuck”. China knows that if they invade Taiwan, they are TOAST!
Thank you, Putin, for showing your true face, being a huge dumbass and starting a chain - reaction that’s sure to crush autocracy everywhere in the end.
Edgar Cayce said Russia would be the hope of the world. If his psychic visions were real and correct, then this is likely what that meant.
Nice Job Breaking It, Villain! You have the world against you and China’s imperialist aspirations frozen! Sometimes Evil just needs to eat itself for Good to defeat it.
As Russia goes… so will go China… then North Korea which only strangely still exists (under normal circumstances, they would have gone under years ago) due to China.
The Far-Right groups around their world will lose their backing. Guys like Erdogan, Orban, Bolsonaro, Duterte and the rest will be ousted or voted out.
It may even spread to Saudi Arabia! Bye-bye Saud Family! Bye-bye, IslamoFascism!
Then the Iranian will have another Revolution and send the Ayatollahs to Jahannam like the unholy sons of Iblis they are!
The American Far-Right will have egg on its face. Moderate and Progressive versions of world faiths will be reign once more… along with other forms of spirituality, agnosticism and atheism.
I hope!