Christians do not own marriage NO? GOD DOES he has a HOLY COVENANT of MARRAIGE with a MAN and a WOMAN...He did not create the Marriage Covenant for GAYS it is not for them
They have GAYAIGE.
"They have GAYAIGE"
Oh that's priceless!
If “gayaige” is the union of a man to a man,
then by the same logic, shouldn’t “marriage” be the union of one man to a female horse over the age of three?
I agree... priceless!
Okay then, as long as it has the exact same rights as marriage i don't care what its called.
But no, the so called Christians wouldn't want that would they?
"GAYAIGE" lol i r clevAr.
In any case, if marriage is given by god, then you married fundies can stop getting rights from the government.
Good day.
[citation needed]
Here's one for you:
But King Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines - 1 Kings 11: 1, 3
Well done for inventing a new word, rainey. You're really, very, very clever . . . and funny, too. My, you have a gift for words. You should be writing for television, a wit like you.
You could go far, if only you weren't an absolute cretin.
@ xplicit_UK
The verse they left out is "And, lo, King Soloman finally died, with a smile on his face, from sheer exhaustion."
When exactly did G-d create a "marriage covenenant" anyway? If you are using the so called "covenant" as a basis of law, at least let us read it.
Or maybe it doesn't exist and you are just a homophobe using your holy babble as a weapon to whack at those who are different than you.
"Christians do not own marriage NO? GOD DOES"
Councils up & down the land would like a word with you. It's not only churches where you can marry, and not just vicars who have the legal authority to do so.
Christians do not own marriage NO? GOD DOES
Great!! Love it!
Then maybe you can tell god to come and tell us exactly what it is he wants and why and do it himself rather than use people like you who are easily mistaken for a mental patient, Ok? God himself, no insane middle men, deal?
"Hey, Ed, you know that girl I met at work last month? I asked her out, but she said she just had too much gayaige to allow her to date a guy......"
That actually makes some sense.
As I had tried for 8 years to convince my atheistic boyfriend -
marriage != large wedding != in a church != with stupid rituals
IMHO, marriage = two people signing a mutual economic and defense treaty ina secular setting... preferable someplace far away from family and let them receive the news long after the deed is done.
The closest thing to god in marriage is a "g".
Funny, they don't have a problem with heterosexual athiests, muslims, jews, hindus, etc getting married. So since god owns marriage, contrary to their usual ranting, god doesn't care what you believe in, just whether or not you enjoy teh butsecks?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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