dsar9013 & GrimIsSlim #transphobia blackpill.club


Boys wanna be girls and girls wanna be boys.

The male to female trannies one I can understand, even though they are evil, many are incels in denial, who want some of that sweet affirmative action and privilege that comes from being female and the only way they can get society to even give a damn about them is pretending to be female. BUT the female to male ones are fully insane, why would they give up their female privilege and advantages of sexual superiority in todays society just to pretend to be men. Even the Ellen Paige has not had a single role while "he" transitioned to male because "he" is no where near goodlooking enough to compete with male actors. Just insane, imagine having the whole world in front of you, being rich and famous and just deciding to throw it all away for some mental delusion that you're a man, pure madness. These liberal freaks, aren't even human anymore, in my eyes.


The male to female trannies one I can understand, even though they are evil, many are incels in denial, who want some of that sweet affirmative action and privilege that comes from being female and the only way they can get society to even give a damn about them is pretending to be female. BUT the female to male ones are fully insane, why would they give up their female privilege and advantages of sexual superiority in todays society just to pretend to be men. Even the Ellen Paige has not had a single role while "he" transitioned to male because "he" is no where near goodlooking enough to compete with male actors. Just insane, imagine having the whole world in front of you, being rich and famous and just deciding to throw it all away for some mental delusion that you're a man, pure madness. These liberal freaks, aren't even human anymore, in my eyes.

The ftm ones think that men have it easier from the media saying us men have it easier, even after they "transition" they're not treated nearly as bad since everyone can see past the clothes.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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