@MrMennoTweets #transphobia twitter.com

The difference between actual civil rights movements and the ‘trans’ movement is that none of them fought for rights on the basis of something they were not, or passing themselves of as another demographic of people. Black people didn’t say “Hey, we’re white!” Women didn’t say “Hey, we’re men!” and gay people didn’t say “Hey’ we’re straight!” They fought for rights on the basis of what set them apart.

But ‘trans’ is about claiming the identities and rights of others. Men claiming to be women. Women claiming to be men. Straight men claiming to be lesbians.

It is the only movement that wants the right to identify into demographics of people that already exist within their own right.

It’s a form of colonisation. Not only that, under the guise of ‘trans’ the meaning of words and material reality all have to be turned upside down to ‘accommodate’ this colonisation. Actual women are now ‘cis’ women so that men who call themselves ‘trans women’ can be seen to be every inch a women as them, even if they have an extra couple of inches dangling between their legs. Actual lesbians become ‘cis’ lesbians and are told they can’t have female only events anymore as they’re be breaching anti-discrimination laws that prioritise the demands of blokes who call themselves lesbians.

This is co-opting, appropriation, colonisation and the rewriting of reality. It is identicide: by trying to identify into the class of people they don’t belong to, they are killing off what they actual class of people represents. All because they are intent on killing off their own true identities.

We’re seeing how dangerous this is in sports, in prisons in rape shelters, in toilets / bath rooms / changing rooms / hospital wards, etc. It’s becoming more clear every day.

And it’s all rooted in a movement trying to make us believe they are not what they actually are.

No other movement has ever done that, it’s unique to the ‘trans’ movement. Just like the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” it was a sham from the very beginning.

And that’s why Monty here is trying to compare ‘trans’ activism and the response to it to other movements, to make it look like it’s the same, that ‘trans’ is simply ‘the next frontier’ and that we should learn from how actual civil rights movements have historically been discredited and not let the same fate befall the ‘trans’ movement.




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