various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
Diversity has reduced America to a hybrid between South Africa and Brazil.
Non-whites are now stalking people from stores back to their homes, where they violently beat and rob them at gunpoint. It's called "jugging".
You can't simply avoid non-white neighborhoods to stay safe anymore. Non-whites are now following you back to your neighborhood, back to your home.
( @SCDJ )
@Nature_and_Race I noticed something. While saying that the suspects were under surveillance the news included footage of a white guy getting arrested. Then when continuing with the story with the lady and her juggling experience exclusively showed footage of blacks actually in the process of committing crimes. I think the news editors just spliced in some generic stock footage of a white guy before showing the blacks for reasons we all understand.
( @LeeSutterlin )
@Nature_and_Race Juggers for fucks sake just call them niggers already.
( @Weaponizedautismfren )
@Nature_and_Race ahhhh freedom. Gotta love merica. Just make sure to take a detour before going home so you don't get robbed by niggers
( @WomblePoop )
@Nature_and_Race the feral instincts of the negro are insatiable. They will not stop, because they CAN'T stop.
There is no reconciliation - only segregation. Otherwise just wait your turn to be their next victim.
( @DwydeShrude )
@WomblePoop @Nature_and_Race there could be a more final solution
( @bluewonder369 )
@WomblePoop @Nature_and_Race we can no longer afford the luxury of Simply segregating them from us Scott they must all be sterilized so that they can no longer breed in their lineage dies off. An all white world is likely the solution. I wish it didn't have to be that extreme but we're being targeted for extermination.