IrishTheFrenchie , Hollyhock & SakuraBlossoms #transphobia

RE: "Cis women are experts at victimising themselves"

( IrishTheFrenchie )
First they silence the lesbians with TERF.

Then they silence all women with “Karen”.

And suddenly there’s very little opposition to male sexual perversions. It’s genius really. They learned a lot since their failure to incorporate pedos in the LGB movement in the 70’s.

( Hollyhock )
I can't remember if I was talking about this w/ you recently, but the Karen thing was a legitimate way for Black women to express frustration over white women who treated them like shit and used their institutional power (to call police and be believed/call manager to complain) to be discriminatory towards Black women.

But then the TRAs realized the brilliance of co-opting this because white women in the US at least DO have more institutional power/money/access/platforms, so if you shut up white women, you lose a LOT of feminist power that could have helped stop this train of gender bs. I'm not denying there are issues w/ white women's issues getting more press than Black, Hispanic, Native, Asian women's issues in feminism, but this was a brilliant strategy by the TRAs to divide us and shut us up. But if you have the power to shut up the more privileged of women, what kind of message is that to women without the same means? It's a power move by the TRAs.

( SakuraBlossoms )
Yeah big switcheroo from black women using it to describe their experiences of racism vs. white men using it as a synonym for "b*tch"

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I don't think it was me, but I did read that post and it makes perfect sense.

TRAs are parasites. They co-opt everything and deceptively apply it to themselves.

( SakuraBlossoms )
And of course using the term "cis" invented by the self-proclaimed "pedosexual" to silence women as the privileged oppressors of men. It's a huge testament to the power of language and labeling. These slippery dogs actually managed to convince people that sexually perverse men are being oppressed... by women. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.



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