various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @RealRedElephants )
Those who control the media and Hollywood have convinced you to be ok with abortion, ok with divorce, ok with a declining marriage rates, declining birth rates, women sleeping around, onlyfans, pornography, gay marriage, gender transition, casual drug use, plummeting religiosity, and mass immigration. It is not true that times have 'just changed.' The countries that do not have this pressure to conform to these beliefs nor the media and entertainment apparatus pushing it, the people have totally opposite views on these things. Everyone needs to understand the power these people actually have over your mind, identity, and culture, including those that would agree with this.

( @ramenanne )
@RealRedElephants "Those who control the media and Hollywood"...He's too much of a faggot to say it. I'll say it. Jews.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
Not all of us blame "all Jews" or "only Jews." We acknowledge they are over-represented in these institutions and not above citicism as either individuals or members of their group but don't blame the entire ethnic group.

( @Unakceptabke_views )

Why not just get to the root of the issue?? jews

( @Dissidentsoaps )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness if there were no Jews at all, we wouldn’t have any of these problems. Simple.

( @ReversedHistory )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness smart ppl do blame jews, and only jews because its quite obvious from basic pattern recognition. Do better research

( @pysek )
@RealRedElephants Realizing not only that I've been lied to my entire life but that every adult I trusted was too was a mind fuck of earth-shattering proportions.

But I ate it, accepted it, and I'm quite ready to make America #110.

( @Miles_Deep )

why not just say jews



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