[The incident with Dylan Roof] was a sad day no matter what color. This wasn't an act of the confederacy and we shouldn't be blamed. Blame yourselves BLM, Dylann Roof snapped due to your rioting and bullying after Scott shooting. You are to blame BLM, the pastor/senator had just spoken at the BLM rally. Rioting isn't the answer, it's wrong in your behavior and you know it. It's all vengence and you should be ashamed of yourselves, you're causing a divided and distrust and that shouldn't be, we should care for all American no matter what color. God bless Dixie and America, you both are under attack
Also...."Dixie AND America"?
Last time I checked, "Dixie" was part of America. I'm even pretty sure if you had asked actual Confederates in the 1860s, they would have told you they were Americans. They DID call it the Confederate States of America, after all.
The incident? Yeah, the poor boy just wanted to start a race war as a lark and people got miffed at him. Those difficult BLM's, who can't just accept that black is less valuable than white, they are to blame, of course.
Fuck you, Elaine. Fuck you, fuck Dylan Roof, fuck your confederacy & fuck dixie. Every last one of them is useless.
"Dylann Roof snapped due to your rioting and bullying after Scott shooting".
Let's test that theory, shall we?
"Hey Dylann, did you snap due to progressives' rioting and bullying after the Scott shooting?"
"Nope. Did it because I'm a sociopathic punk who hates blacks."
Well there you have it.
Fuck the terrorist Dylan Roof. He was a racist who was all about Dixie. He killed innocent people. BLM exists because of assholes like him. I mean he goes to Burger King after being arrested after shooting up a fucking church! He is a fucking terrorist and an embarrassment to us white folk. Or he should be, I sure am ashamed of him. Fuck him.
Thomas Mair.
So either (check one):
[ ] He was just a poor, sad loony nutzoid whose Nazism was a mere afterthought (if he had the capacity to think ), and wasn't completely compos mentis & a full shilling when he murdered Labour MP Jo Cox: all the while shouting 'This is for Britain!'. Therefore he should be put in a nut farm permanently: like all other neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK & Alt-Shitists, because they're all loonies.
[ ] He was a terrorist . Nothing more, nothing less. Like all neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK & Alt-Shitists. As Charlottesville - America's equivalent of the Jo Cox MP murder - proved.
Choose wisely.
Seems - after late last year, when Nazis were officially declared terrorists here in Britain - our Conservative government did.
[ ] He was a terrorist. Nothing more, nothing less. Like all neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK & Alt-Shitists. As Charlottesville - America's equivalent of the Jo Cox MP murder - proved.
Since I already went on a rant about how Roof is a terrorist, I will not repeat it. But while I stand by that he is a terrorist, I would like to point out that as a pet peeve of mine is the hypocrisy of alt-right. I'm sure you all saw it already FSTDT. But as it irks me I hope you will forgive my rant
When someone who is not an alt right or not Christian does something we all get blamed. When we get the Vegas shooter, when we get Roof or Dear or for those of us who remember the 90s, McVeigh, Hill and Rudolph, it gets shut down. Chopurcockuv refused in a thread to condemn Christian terrorists. Which at best makes him an enabler BUT his attitude is quite prevalent in alt-right circles. Since they believe in guilt by association, they are all guilty of Gabby Giffords attempted assassination (Forgive me for using an American politician Moose, not trying to downplay what happened to Ms. Cox as much as I wanted to use an American figurehead who had someone attack her a few years back. I do agree with your point and RIP to Ms. Cox) and other terrorist acts such as Dylan Roof and Christopher Cantwell. I have seen here on FSTDT people condemning atheists and Pagans and Muslims when they call for violence. I see both left and right (I mean we have had fucking communists and vegans quoted alongside alt-right and fascists quoted) mocked. But I have yet to see alt right condemn their own.
As a note though Chopurcockuv did technically eventually condemn Christian terrorists to which he was rightly mocked as being insincere about it being that he only did so as his hypocrisy was out shining bright and it triggered him. He said he'd only do so on his own terms. Which I take, personally, that he never will unless someone points out his hypocrisy.
Apologies for rant. And Here is the thread I mentioned
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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