RE: Is Zimbabwe Extending an Olive Branch to Its White Farmers?
I wouldn't trust anything they your back
Absolutely right. If they pay at all, years later, it will be in inflated worthless currency. They just bought some time. Dishonesty everywhere. The fundamental dishonesty is the denial of #RacistFacts, of scientifically proven race realism or "scientific racism". The flawed and debunked idea that Blacks can run a country, an economy, and agriculture just as well as the prior white rulers. It is not allowed to compare white run Africa vs. later Black run Africa, if the comparison is embarrassing to Blacks. Anyone can point me to a high quality statistical documentation of the downfall? Running Africa based on false anti-scientific notions of equality fatally harms Africans. Running the US and Europe based on unjustified BLM "protests" and "Civil rights" is just as damaging.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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