RE: Julián Castro on Why the Presidential Primary Season Needs a Shake-Up
What this Mexican bandito wants is to push whites completely out of the equation. Nevermind this is our country! He is chomping at the bit to replace us even as we still have the majority. Here is his reasoning: How can New Hampshire and Vermont be the first to vote because they are too white? Can you imagine the apoplectic reaction the liberal media would take if Jared Taylor said such a thing? Castro is a RACIST! He is for his race (La Raza), and I am for mine. I like New Hampshire and Vermont as they are: WHITE!
The only way for Castro (a.k.a. Fidel) to change that demographic is to open the borders and allow MILLIONS of illegal Mexicans and African negroes into those states to effectively erase the white people. Here is the really sad part: there are whites in those states who agree. His view is since this worked in Georgia, why not in all states.
The time for flushing the toilet is NOW.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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