a n i gger president makes us a laughing stock and makes ZOG more open to attack.
I want a civil war.
I won't pay taxes to jews and blacks.
18mm concentrated jews and 45 million blacks against 220 million armed whites.
who will light the fuse?
The correct term is Zionist Occupation Government, aka an illegitimate government.
In other words, they are as nasty as they come. 5 here.
So Zog is the govrenment?
Damn, I thought it would be something fun, like Xenu.
Oh, by the way, about the president making us a laughing stock? That already happened with Bush.
I really don't think the rest of the world could laugh any harder at us then when he was president.
Rated 4.38 out of 8 votes. That means somebody didn't vote it a 5 and must have voted it pretty low.
Apparently calling for war against Jews and blacks because of their race isn't especially racist to some people here.
Just to clarify:
a)You've been paying taxes to Jews and blacks all your life.
b)Like 1/3 of the people you consider white have Jew or black ancestry.
c)There are not 220 whites, let alone armed if we count kids.
Next time, get your facts straight.
please stop paying taxes. then you can go to jail for tax evasion and you can meet a nice black guy named Ray. You wont pay taxes, but you will do plenty of other things.
edit: "18mm concentrated jews" makes me think of little midgets making mixer drinks for some reason. I want an 18 millimetre tall person. I would name them Chris, because then it wouldnt matter if they were male or female...i've forgotten what i was talking about.
/a n i gger president makes us a laughing stock/
Yeah, which is why pretty much everyone around the world was celebrating and dancing with joy when Obama was elected. You're talking about the wrong guy here. Bush is the one who has made us a laughingstock.
/and makes ZOG more open to attack./
You're delusional.
/I want a civil war./
You're insane.
/I won't pay taxes to jews and blacks./
You already do, nitwit.
/18mm concentrated jews and 45 million blacks against 220 million armed whites./
Dude, I don't know what sort of video games you've been playing, but snap out of it. Real life is not a video game.
/who will light the fuse?/
Not me, that's for sure. I like living peacefully with my fellow Americans, thank you.
Because you're a bona fide psychopath and the FBI should collar your sorry rear.
Gotta love the assumption that all the white skinned people will be fight on his side there...
Incidently, when Obama was elected, America's approval rating skyrocketed all around the globe. Hardly a laughing stock...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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