Concrete FactsOnly #moonbat #conspiracy

The problem is that there is not a country with sovereignty in Taiwan - Taiwan never declared independence either. A country has four elements, people, territory, sovereignty, government. Which one Taiwan has? Chinese people in Chinese territory, with sovereignty under China, with a government not recognized by any UN country. He is an illegal "president" - no president would sell his country and not upholding its Constitution, which maintains that reunification and territorial integrity.
He is just like Russian neighbor's president, and that of Ph, selling his own country for another country's interests. Uk got its own people losing lives and territory and never got any benefits from the fake freedom that the color revolution by CIA that promoted it.
If you are what you claim to be, and think that you can sacrifice a province of China to give it to another country, and believe in that the country would protect you, just declare independence! Do not talk and make trouble and let the Taiwan people suffer, lose lives. There are Taiwanese people that wants to keep the status quo, there are almost none that want to sacrifice their lives for a cause to separate from their roots.



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