I haven't studied the theory of evolution much because I disagree 100%
I disagree so much with the Bible because I've studied it. Now, why do you suppose that one of those things is more credible when studied, and the other one, less?
That reminded me of this equally logical conversation.
Bart: That fancy house will never sell. Nobody who could afford it would wanna live in this neighborhood.
Homer: Hey. What's wrong with this neighborhood? (waving his fist at the empty house) Big shots! Too good to buy a house here, snobby?
Bart: Who are you talking to, Homer?
Homer: The guy who doesn't live there.
The Dude
I would like to say this guy is an idiot because he disagrees 100% with something he knows nothing about, but I am the same way with creationism.
Well that's not entirely true. You know that christians think 'goddidit' using magick, that's all you really need to know to know it's bullshit.
"I don't like green beans."
"Have you ever tried them?"
I don't need to try them.
Vegetables are evil!
I wholeheartedly disagrees with Nazism. In order to be certain that I do disagree, I had to study it quite a bit, and then I continue studying it, to know how to prevent it from ever happening again.
Still working on that last bit, though...
I didn't like green peas when I was young. I just couldn't stand the texture of them in my mouth. I have since learned to stand the texture.
ICDESIGN, perhaps you ought to try it again when you're a bit more grown up and mature, dearie, you might understand it better then.
"I haven't studied the theory of evolution much because I disagree 100%"
So you = the mad mullahs who proteststed against, nay, burned copies of Salman Rushdie's book "The Satanic Verses", even though they - to a man - admitted they'd never read the book in the first place , is that what you're saying?
'Ignorance is Bliss' indeed. Nay, a nomination for an award of the same title, no less?
Whereas I have studied the Bible. Cover to cover. Just reading Genesis alone, this was my reaction:
'100%'? Meh. Re. Creation, as specified (or more specifically, not ) in the Bible, My disagreement levels are OVER 9000.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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