various commenters #transphobia

RE: Why do we treat gender ideology differently than flat earth?

( VestalVirgin )
Because gender ideology massively benefits pervy men, and was invented by men for that very reason.

Flat-earthism, on the other hand, is the belief of a handful harmless nutjobs who don't want to achieve any sinister goals with it, they just are too dense to realize that what they can see with their eyes is not the whole reality.

Look at how the belief that the sun rotates around the earth, not the other way round, was treated - that was not directly tied to any sinister goals, but church doctrine was that humans are the centre of the universe, and the earth not being the centre of all didn't fit in with that.

Or, the pseudoscience of measuring people's skulls and determining their character traits on that basis - that got quite a bit of traction, as the English wanted to prove the Irish's natural inferiority by claiming their skulls resembled those of apes, and the nazis also were into a lot of pseudoscience that "proved" their racism.

Nonsense beliefs become popular when a very real goal (usually a sinister one) can be achieved with them.

( Opals )
Because men don’t wank off thinking that the Earth is flat. Probably.

( Oakleaf )
Some men, somewhere, WILL be wankety ~wanking to Flat Earthery.

( momjeans )
The difference is that there are no structures in place to enforce ideological compliance with flat earth like there are with gender ideology.

There are consequences for heretical thought, writing and speech in defiance of gender ideology - in schools, higher ed, academia, professions, corporations, and on social media platforms. Ideological compliance is also enforced in everyday social interactions by true believers and allies irl.

Flat earthers don't have that kind of leverage or institutional backing. When the potential consequences of heresy include risk of losing one's job, friends, or family relationships, it's difficult to just laugh it off as the utter absurdity it is.



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