Black To The Bone , bettER_CHOices & StephenK #sexist #homophobia

RE: Female biologist writes scientifically peer reviewed book confirming the Blackpill:

(Black To The Bone)

Females are parasites and need to be exterminated

Women themselves are a living paradox when you think about it, any advancement in civilization or patriarchal societies are immediately destroyed once females get the upper hand (take the Roman Empire, Bloody Mary, Marie Antoinette, the 19th amendment, sexual revolution and so on). The only way to end it is ether replace them completely or reprogram them, I’m not sure of a concrete solution myself.


What’s wrong with fags? Isn’t it just less competition?

Homos are degenerates, AIDS spreaders, they are mentally ill.
I'm working with two fags and I want to rent a van daily.
My best friend got hardcore bullied by his lgbt Co workers. You can't even retaliate in 2021 because the law is pro homo on his area.

Sexual Apocalypse is upon us, some will go to whores and consume pornography or any other alternative that brings them intimacy and tries to replace the actual partner experience

Some others won’t handle the pressure of their biological needs and eventually will take suicide because of frustration.

Others will become monks and will turn away from the foid form because they realized that females were made only to leech them Physically, Mentally, Economically.

In this feminist society foids were indoctrinated to chain you to misery and pain draining you till you’re not useful for them anymore and then replace you with somebody else even Chad eventually will get eventually replaced by another Chad..



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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