[Re: use of the terms "Xian" & "Xmas"]
Would nihilists have any problem being called Xhilists or the Buddhists Xhidists, the agnostics, Xnostics, et al? Is this a way of demeaning and insulting over 50% of Americans whose religion is Christianity? Do any other Christians besides me here find it offensive to be called Xians or am I being hypersensitive?
Personally, I don't like the term "Xtian" or "Xmas," mainly because it feels like it reduces Christ to just his crucifixion...which was only part of his mission. My faith chooses not to use the cross as our symbol, even though we're Christian, because we like to focus on the life of Christ more than his death.
I personally don't like it and wouldn't use it, but I'm not going to aim for someone's throat if he uses it.
"My understanding is that it was originally coined by christian scholars.
I second that...sometimes it pays to look into the reasons behind the traditions instead of blinding accepting what's fed to you. You know like Christmas really being the ACTUAL birth of Christ and not just a convient ursurption of a pagan holiday to allow Christians to celebrate in secret. Not that the celebration of Christmas in and of itself is invalid, it just pays to be aware. So you don't look like an ass when you open your mouth.
Yahweh: I totally agree with you there, adding the letter 'x' to a name can be just plain kickass. Perhaps one day I will change my name to "XinTed" and wander the american south west with a song in my heart and a rock-and-roll-ninja-guitar in my arm.
Wait a minute, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the fundie in question is a really hyper-sensitive prick!
Wow, his next response is hilarious...
[Responding to "he "X" in "Xians" and "Xmas" is the greek letter chi, not the english x. the difference is that it's a K- sound, as in Χριστὸς, Christos."]
We're English speaking Americans, my friend. We no speak the language. Nice try, but I'm afraid you have a strawman here.
Oh, man...
Do any other Christians besides me here find it offensive to be called Xians or am I being hypersensitive?
It looks kind of sloppy, in the same way that a lot of internet shorthand looks pretty sloppy. But as someone else said, X is Chi. So you're sort of straining at gnats.
“Would nihilists have any problem being called Xhilists or the Buddhists Xhidists, the agnostics, Xnostics, et al?”
Probably not. You’d just look pathetically petty.
On another board, a guy constantly misspelled athiest, was constantly corrected, and constantly blew it off as unimportant. So i started spelling his faith Christain. He did not see this as unimportant, weird.
It’s petty, which is how i know you’re being prett fucking petty.
“Is this a way of demeaning and insulting over 50% of Americans whose religion is Christianity?”
If that’s what you think it is, then you’re intentionally suggesting offending Xhidists. Why? Is there a non-petty reason to do so?
"Do any other Christians besides me here find it offensive to be called Xians or am I being hypersensitive?”
Dude, there’s a guy that gets upset that the stores carry Kosher Salt and tried to market Christain Salt.
G’head, be sensitive, you’re in the right demographic for that shit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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