[someone made a remark about Pat Robertson]
Better not talk smack about one of Gods faithful. It may not bode well for you on that great and terrible day.
Worse, how can it get any worse?
Is he going to send me to hell again?
Pat Robertson's a moron, doo dah, doo dah...
Who is Pat Robertson? If he was a great prophet of god, why haven't I heard of him? Doesn't god care about me?
Ah well, let's get to the killing. Since god doesn't care about me, I don't care about god. And people who don't care about god haven't got morals so I can kill without feeling bad about it. Let's start with the fundies.
When the Rapture comes, Pat Roberston cums!
Of course, the Rapture will be here any day now! It's been coming for something like 700,000 days, so it's got to be right around the corner, right?! (Actually, my 700,000 days figure is likely very off. When did the idea of the "rapture" start, again?)
<<< The idea of the Rapture began in the 19th century >>>
True, but Jesus told his followers (if the Bible can be believed) that he would return in their lifetimes ... so the Rapture itself may not have been predicted for that long, but the end of the world certainly has.
This tune brought to you by .. me!
o/ I don't want to set the world on fire...
I just want to set a flame in Pat Robertson's head... o/
Speaking as an Xist (Baptist, in particular) I'd like to say that I've never seen a single thing that ever proved Pat Robertson had anything on his mind beyond his own popularity and hatemongering. If he's going to Heaven, I'm shit out of luck.
You mean we can't say bad things about a greedy, egotistical, rabble-rousing charlatan with an inexcusable interest in the blood diamond trade?
Oh, poo.
Isn't Pat robertson the one who said the cyclone that flooded New Orleans was Gods curse on the wicked ?
He said something similar for the Dover trial about creationism in schools.
OH, and warning, Pride goeth before a fall, just saying watch your step.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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