Ininja2000 #fundie

{Thread title: People misunderstood Pat Robertson}

So I was watching fox news, and they were bashing Pat Robertson for his statement for not being compassionate. This is not true at all. Pat Robertson was saying why he thought it happened, he DID NOT SAY that he didn't care or didn't feel bad for the people. Heck, I'll bet that he's going to be a major sender of aid to the country.

It's the same thing with salvation. I'm sure Pat Robertson would say people are going to hell because they're wicked and sinful, yet he would love them and care for them enough want for them to get saved, and tell them how to get saved.

As for if it was God's judgment, I am undecided, but even on 20/20 they were saying how currupt Haiti's government had been, and that "it seems as though they are almost cursed".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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