"So I was watching fox news,"
They're still claiming to be a news channel? Isn't there some sort of FCC regulations against pretending to be a legitimate news channel when you're a political propaganda machine?
"and they were bashing Pat Robertson for his statement for not being compassionate."
I'm pretty sure Faux News wouldn't actually bash Robertson, or any other fundamentalist nutjob (unless they're a Muslim fundamentalist nutjob, of course). He is anything but compassionate though so they got that right at least. Must have been a mistake on their part. I'm sure it wont happen again.
"This is not true at all."
Sure it is. He's a half step shy of Falwell and a step away from Phelps. Robertson just hides it better in public, but not by much.
"Pat Robertson was saying why he thought it happened, he DID NOT SAY that he didn't care or didn't feel bad for the people."
He cared because it got him quoted in the news. He felt bad because they weren't his particular brand of Christian so they weren't likely to be sending any donations his way.
"Heck, I'll bet that he's going to be a major sender of aid to the country."
And I'll bet he, personally, is not. He may send money (probably under his own name) but it'll be collected from gullible saps such as yourself who believe the guy to be some kind of saint. His personal fortune is going to stay his personal fortune and it's very unlikely it will be spent on a bunch of godless heathens who, apparently, made a pact with Satan and got what they deserved.
"It's the same thing with salvation. I'm sure Pat Robertson would say people are going to hell because they're wicked and sinful, yet he would love them and care for them enough want for them to get saved, and tell them how to get saved."
And how to send him money. Don't forget that part. That's the first thing they teach you in televangelist training camp.
"As for if it was God's judgment, I am undecided, but even on 20/20 they were saying how currupt Haiti's government had been, and that "it seems as though they are almost cursed"."
That's called being rhetorical. I'm almost positive they didn't mean literally cursed you fool.