Prussian Society of America #fundie #wingnut

[From "It is a duty of the Prussian State, to regulate and completely control the public’s use of anything relating to “God” or the “Divine”"]

As it was in Ancient Times, keeping the most sacred secrets of anything Divine, left to only the responsible, is one of very prudent and careful measures[…]
There are those of us who are very carefully informed about what is “known” in the realm of Divinity, but even with what we must keep concealed from the Public who is not necessarily responsible to handle such information without bastardizing it, we can at least admit to the public that this Universe is NOT a creation by God[…]
Censorship, even down to Musical lyrics or Poetry or any Literature that refer to God in any inappropriate ways, or which have connections to religious cults or delusional ideas, needs to be called into question and essentially banned[…]
People who also preach Falsities about God or Gods, or some notions that “God will forgive them” or whatever nonsense of the day is being dished out, these people belong in concentration camps and are a public threat

It is one thing to believe in God or some Gods. It is another to have delusions about it, and to think that “God was there for me” or “God has a plan for me” or even to suggest to others that “God has a plan for them”

99% of the time, when God, or even the mythical “Jesus” is uttered by an individual, it is almost always out of an ego-centric and/or subversive manner, whether the utterer realizes it or not, and they fail to recognize their delusion[…]
Such religious fools like these need to be arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo[…]
For those who really have such a sincere desire to learn about the sacred mysteries of the divine, and how this universe is basically locked away from it, they must approach us or which ever Mystery School is in charge, to demonstrate their discipline and wisdom



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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