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DR3: An Argument for Morons?

I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “The Democrats are the real racists.” It’s even got a snazzy abbreviation, DR3. “Democrats R Real Racists.”

A lot of Republicans seem to think this is the knock-out blow against Democrats who call Republicans racists.

One of the deep thinkers at Townhall explains that “Actually everything the Democrats do is Racist.”

Promoting abortion is racist. That’s because blacks are more likely to want abortions so letting them end a pregnancy is racist because that means fewer black babies.

Letting men compete in women’s sports is racist because black lady athletes are better than white lady athletes.

Yep, this genius actually says this.

She’s saying blacks are the only people in America who matter — just the way Democrats do.

It’s even worse. It doesn’t seem to have dawned on these boneheads that they have swallowed the very anti-white nonsense they think they are battling. These so-called “conservatives” think they have found a way to fight back at Democrats who say it’s racist to seal the border or ban Critical Race Theory in schools. In fact, they have fully accepted the idea that if you can call a policy or an idea “racist,” you’ve landed a killer blow. American politics becomes a name-calling contest, and the side that shouts “racist” the loudest wins. That means the only thing that counts in American politics is what’s good for blacks.

These people have surrendered without a fight. They have made it impossible to defend what really matters. Once you think your side wins by calling the other side racist, how do you begin even to think about the biological reality of race, race differences in IQ, The Great Replacement, the colossal failures of multi-racial America, the right of whites to survive as a distinct people, and how to ensure their survival?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a long talk with a remarkable person — an honest journalist — who has been writing about American Renaissance for more than 15 years. He brought up “Democrats are the real racists,” and wanted to know how anyone could fall for it. “It’s an argument for morons,” he said.

He’s right. Dangerous morons. Sometimes, even journalists get it right.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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