From the article. It's 100% true, you evo freaks know you don't have a scientific leg to stand on so you act in a most unscientific way,, You cry like a bunch of little Girl Scouts that lost their cookies. lol Cry all you want, the LIE of Evolution is coming to an end. Good riddance to bad garbage I say.
Stein's critics don't effectively refute anything in "Expelled"; they just use epithets to ridicule it and hope they can make it go away. However, it won't go away; even Scientific American, which labeled the movie "shameful," concedes that it cannot be ignored.
even Scientific American, which labeled the movie "shameful," concedes that it cannot be ignored.
It can't be ignored, not because it's right, but because because morons who know nothing about evolution will try to use it to influence public policy and push their Christian fundamentalist religious agenda onto the rest of us.
Cry all you want, the LIE of Evolution is coming to an end. Good riddance to bad garbage I say.
Is this going to happen before or after this Rapture that I keep hearing about? We have been hearing that both events are imminent for the last 150 years.
You know, when a neighborhood bully stole the case of Girl Scout Cookies I was trying to sell, I did cry. I was seven(ish) years old. It was a very traumatic experience to me.
Of course, I got even a few years later when he tried to grope me...he found out what a girl's knees are for (kicking stupid boys off AND their bicycles off the side of a hill and into moving traffic).
Not that this has anything to do with this cork-nuts rant...
I will have to say one thing about "Expelled". I never thought that I would see the day that a movie would be piss-poor enough propaganda to make Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" look like the soul of journalistic fairness. If Ben had released it as an absurdist comedy takeoff of pseudo-science, a Pythonesque comedy about the idiocy inherent in attempting to sell religion as science in ID, it could have great, and he could have kept the respect of intelligent people.
"From the article. It's 100% true, you evo freaks know you don't have a scientific leg to stand on so you act in a most unscientific way,, You cry like a bunch of little Girl Scouts that lost their cookies. lol Cry all you want, the LIE of Evolution is coming to an end. Good riddance to bad garbage I say."
You dimwits have been saying this for 150 fucking years. Ain't gonna happen bud.
"Stein's critics don't effectively refute anything in "Expelled"; they just use epithets to ridicule it and hope they can make it go away. However, it won't go away; even Scientific American, which labeled the movie "shameful," concedes that it cannot be ignored."
Your reading comprehension sucks. They don't mean it can't be ignored because it's such an important and seminal work, they mean it would be dangerous to ignore it and let you goofy fuckers blather on unchecked and uncontested.
"even Scientific American, which labeled the movie "shameful," concedes that it cannot be ignored."
Much like the same way that a herd of elephants, all carried by helicopters and taking aerial dumps on people in the city square, can't be ignored.
even Scientific American, which labeled the movie "shameful," concedes that it cannot be ignored.
A house fire can't be ignored either, you idiot; but that doesn't make it a good thing.
I think did a great job of debunking Stein's ham-fisted stupidity. Alas, however, you're too ignorant - and willfully so - to get a single thing from it.
As far as I know, Expelled is still the only recent film that hasn't been pirated...
For me, that just says it's utterly worthless.
"Stein's critics don't effectively refute anything in "Expelled""
There have been essays fucking written about every minute unfactual thing in that movie and there are a fucking lot. Because you refuse to read them or read over them doesn't mean it's not there.
Expelled on pharyngula
"even Scientific American, which labeled the movie "shameful," concedes that it cannot be ignored."
Stupidity must not go unpunished.
A piece of crap based on (and made up of) lies and deception, designed to reinforce the willfully ignorant misconception of reality, that seeks to keep the fundie money on side!
Wayne - you are the target audience! it worked on you.
You talk a big game, but you, like this blimp with a trailer attached to it for some reason, are full of hot air.
Except you probably aren't fun at ALL to ride on.
Where is your proof, huh? Expelled shure as shit didn't have it, it just Godwin'd us and had paranoid conspiracy overtones tossed in with quote-mined experts that were tricked into interviews.
Not very impressive.
If this film "cannot be ignored", how can it be obscure enough that I've never heard about it until now? I mean, maybe it's just me, but I've never heard of "Expelled" before.
Okay, what was your favorite part of Expelled ?
a.) When Ben Stein lied about the reason Richard Sternberg, Caroline Crocker, etc. were fired
b.) When Ben Stein confused abiogenesis with evolution
c.) When Ben Stein Ben Stein misrepresented abiogenesis
d.) When Ben Stein represented evolution as merely random chance
e.) When Ben Stein gave us the world's most epic quote-mine from The Descent of Man
f.) When Ben Stein blamed Darwin for the Holocaust
g.) When Ben Stein, after insisting that intelligent design was not religious at all, freaking out at the idea of the intelligent designer was alien rather than God
Cry all you want, the LIE of Evolution is coming to an end.
Perhaps if you say it enough, it will become true.
No, it can't be ignored - in the same way a stinking, bubbling open cesspool can't be ignored, or in the way a pus-filled cancerous growth on your testicles can't be ignored.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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