Rudd-o #wingnut #homophobia #psycho

Twitter has sent me a notification explaining why my account has been suspended. No strikes, no "delete this".

As you can see from the photo, the suspension is supposedly justified by a tweet of mine, pointing out that snitches often got executed in Communist regimes.

Twitter's assumption is easy to deduce: according to Twitter, I presumably support or desire people getting shot. This is the worst possible (and obviously false) interpretation of my message.

My tweet is a mere historical reminder that in Communism, the useful idiots are the first to be executed. The Twitter computer system, I assume, takes it to mean that I — merely the messenger here — am the hateful one.

Maybe we are living in fully-automated luxury gay schizophrenia.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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