Honestly this is why Incels ascend in studies. They NEED to force themselves to be good in academics if they want anything in life. Chad never has to because he'll be naturally okay and do decently. Incels who get the same grades as Chad in uni are probably much more likely to be better in their field (unless it's a social field).
Poor iqcels though.
Looks do matter, just not as much as these sad sacks like to think.
And as you get older, the amount they matter decreases.
As a chubby, androgynous, non-sexy person, I don't draw much attention - but I dress respectably, I keep myself groomed, and I'm friendly. And in general people are open to interacting with me.
The McElroy brothers are all happily married.
Your argument is invalid.
Incels excel? Really?
Because I seem to see a lot of incels claiming that school isn't worth it,because a good job won't get them pussy.
They can't stand classes because they have to stare at Chad and Stacy winking at each other.
They keep posting about how they're too smart to wage-slave in a futile attempt to get a girl...
And how they're superior to the Normies who do it only to get cucked by their parasite wives...
So, citation needed.
Hell, I'd sttle for an example.
Professor Richard Dawkins has been married three times. He's fathered children. Not exactly the stereotypical arch-enemy of the protagonists in the "Revenge of the Nerds" films: the 'Jock': or what you define as a 'Chad', is he?
You manbabies... 'Intelligent'?!
The only one of your kind who had any 'fame' whatsoever was what you lot worship as the... 'pinnacle' of 'Intelligence', Elliot Todger: and for all the wrong reasons.
I doubt that any of you could so much as think of touching the shadow of Professor Stephen Hawking:
So he - who can only move his eyes - blasts your entire 'argument' out of the infinite 11-Dimension multiverse, never mind the space-time continuum.
Now go piss up a rope, fuckstick. If you can get your nanodick up to actually fill a woodworm hole in, say, a cocktail stick...!
I kind of doubt this. Incels display narcissistic tendencies, regardless of whether they have a real personality disorder or are just self-destructive jerks. Narcissistic people believe they're at least above average in their chosen area(s) of expertise... and if their ego is inflated enough, best of the best. But most of the time they're sitting high on mount stupid, knowing just barely enough to technically qualify as an "expert" while not actually being very good at it. Dunning-Kruger is likely involved to some degree, but it's not (generally) because they're incapable of being skilled or ignorant of how to be skilled; they just inherently "know" that they're awesome and therefore don't need to put in the necessary practice or acquire the necessary experience. Oh, and failures due to inexperience is everyone's fault other than theirs, or course. And then they don't learn much from it, keeping them mediocre for a very long time.
Incels blame their failures on external factors and never take responsibility. Those who are successful in academia, or anything in life, don't tend to do this.
They NEED to force themselves to be good in academics if they want anything in life.
I think you mean academia. Clearly you're not one of these highly intelligent incels.
The prefix to any wordcel slang is the thing that's keeping the incel celibate.
The iqcel is someone whose brains are so smart that he's smarted himself out of any chance at a girlfriend.
At least, these idiots think they're woke, and too smart to enter a sustainable relationship with a femoid. They won't open a door for a woman with hands full, because they already figured out she won't sleep with them for doing so...
The ropecel has determined that there is no hope of sex at any point in his future. Everything he sees about women, dating, sex, being polite, listening, and so on is just fuel for his suicide ranting. He will never get laid because he realizes he will never get laid.
"Chads" have to work just as hard because very few people ever just get to get though life on good looks alone. Maybe if "Chad" is an exceptional football player he can skate through his college classes in many instances, but he's just going to end up in a dead end life later. But while they might be pining for their high school/college glory days at age 40, at least they're not sitting around whining about how evil women are because they can't get laid.
I feel a reminder on how intelligent your ilk is is necessary.
Making up complete bullshit to pretend every aspect of human female life somehow revolves around "Chad" does not make you intelligent, much less the most intelligent person in the sixth grade.
Hey, I thought I was the smartest person in my school at one point too. You know what I did? I got over myself. You should try it.
“Honestly this is why Incels ascend in studies.”
By ‘ascend,’ do you mean good grades get you laid?
Or did you ‘mean’ that you excel at academics?
And i can’t really buy that. Not with the frequency you guys spew out total bullshit. Academics requiress a bit of a bullshit filter. None of you have one.
"They NEED to force themselves to be good in academics if they want anything in life.”
Uh huh…
“Chad never has to because he'll be naturally okay and do decently.”
And there’s the bullshit you swallow, hook, line, and entire fishing rod. Chad is a myth.
“Incels who get the same grades as Chad in uni are probably much more likely to be better in their field.”
And you tell yourself that, without testing the assumption, and when you don’t get promotions, cry that the other guy is on Tutorial status, or is more popular with ladies, or some other Blackpill myth.
“(unless it's a social field).”
Dude, they’re all social fields. Even if you’re in a capsule half a light year away, you have to talk to the guy on the ground once in a while.
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