A concerned person #fundie topix.com

Actually with all due respect , you're actually the one who lacks knowledge . SO what your saying about evolution is you evolved from dirt or nothing , is that what your saying ? since evolution believes that everything started from nothing , I would really like to know where you got your complex DNA . I mean especially since something cannot come from nothing. Infact I would really like you to explain how everything got its specific DNA structures and how everything works in harmony as it does. Maybe you can explain how in just your ear alone there are hundreds of differnt parts that all work toghther that allow you to hear. Maybe you can explain how any of these things that are alive to day and how they could of just appeared out of no where.

The one is correct that stated darwin used primitive biology and now todays microbiology proves that darwins theory isnt correct. The problem is darwins theory has been driven down so many peoples throats they are trying to make it fit todays evidence and it doesnt work. There are way to many things that disprove it.

Oh and by the way the article was incorrect the evolution in schools was challenged in court several years ago in florida and lost.

Its about time that someone in the govt stood up for whats right and put God back in the classrooms.



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