Sigh. Where to start?
"SO what your saying about evolution is you evolved from dirt or nothing , is that what your saying ?"
I don't know anyone who says that. Evolved from simple amino acids and protein chains, sure. But that's not dirt.
"since evolution believes that everything started from nothing , I would really like to know where you got your complex DNA ."
As evolution is a SCIENTIFIC THEORY, it is incapable of believing anything. However, it does not even STATE what you think it does. Because even here you're alluding to abiogenesis, which is NOT a part of evolutionary theory.
"I mean especially since something cannot come from nothing."
Then you have a hole in your head because your OWN GOD came from nothing, BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION.
If your god came from nothing, then the universe could have. If your god always existed, then the universe could have.
"Infact I would really like you to explain how everything got its specific DNA structures and how everything works in harmony as it does. Maybe you can explain how in just your ear alone there are hundreds of differnt parts that all work toghther that allow you to hear. Maybe you can explain how any of these things that are alive to day and how they could of just appeared out of no where. "
Evolution by natural selection.
"The one is correct that stated darwin used primitive biology and now todays microbiology proves that darwins theory isnt correct."
Darwin got the ball rolling on evolutionary theory by natural selection. But if you think science hasn't advanced the theory at all since it was first put forth, then it's clear you're ignorant of science, and biology. And human technological advancement in general.
Since it was first proposed, science has only confirmed and fleshed out Darwin's original theory. There are now countless examples of evidence proving ideas Darwin only theorized. Science has done the opposite of what you claim.
"There are way to many things that disprove it."
You people claim that all the time and then never provide any evidence to back it up. Creationists are all the time whining that science excludes them, and yet they never submit papers to be peer-reviewed. Why? Because they know that real scientists will blow their pre-conceived junk science out of the water.
"Its about time that someone in the govt stood up for whats right and put God back in the classrooms. "
I fail to see what is so "right" about pushing this tripe in school:
Morals don't come from the Bible. If they did, you wouldn't be able to pick and choose what parts to follow and what parts to ignore. We'd all be stoning everyone, killing children, murdering entire civilizations, etc. But we AREN'T.
Abstinence only sex education harms families, and children. For one, it tries to go against human nature, which will never work. This is why we still have wars. Unwanted babies end up in dumpsters, or languishing in orphanages, or cared for by parents who don't want to or can't for some reason. A fetus, on the other hand, cannot feel pain for a large portion of its development. And even if it CAN, it pales in comparison to a lifetime of abuse or neglect.
Fundyism fosters hatred and bigotry (hatred against atheists, jews, muslims, etc).
And anti-intellectualism (squashing of legitimate science).
And dishonesty (Kent Hovind, for one).
So...why is this a good thing again?