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Why are rape victims called "survivors" anyway?

@MaxZM98 and @Edmund_Kemper have made excellent points on the issue.

Yes, I'm aware that some rapists murder their victims; but people also occasionally die when they are robbed or assaulted. But have you ever heard someone use the term "robbery survivor" or "assault survivor"? No, right? Then why the fuck does the term "rape survivors" exist? I mean, the phrases "school shooting survivors" and "plane crash survivors" make sense because both refer to events where fatalities are implied and commonplace, but rape in and of itself is not a lethal act. I could see a plausible case to call a victim a "survivor" if the rapist intended to murder the victim and failed, but otherwise, I don't see the difference between rape and a slightly more brutal variant of a routine physical assault with no sexual element.

If rape is as horrible as some individuals suggest it is, they'd think twice about cracking jokes about prison rape, especially when you take into account the fact that the criminal justice system fails poor and/or minority defendants more often. I think it's extremely revealing to observe a person won't shut up about "dismantling rape culture" yet at the same time perpetuates heteronormative behavioural standards. When an SJW suggests that men should just "man up" while he coddles and infantilizes femoids under the guise of "empowerment" and "support", I see nothing but a self-serving narrative peddled by a pathetic, empty shell of a person desperate to score "woke points" to reassure himself of his moral superiority.

Maybe, just maybe -- of all the shit things that humans regularly do to each other -- rape isn't as high up as they think it is. As far as I'm concerned, spending 20 years in prison for a crime one did not commit is worse than being non-consensually penetrated for 20 minutes. Never mind being murdered.



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