Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

The goal of the invading entities which brought on the Lyran Wars, was to destroy access between the Universal Gates, Lyran Gates and Andromeda, to prevent any metaterrestrial Founder races from gaining access into the Milky Way system, and preventing the future seedings and incarnations of the Christos Founder Races DNA. But soon the Lyran Wars spread to the constellation of Orion and through the Metagalactic Core, where it became a war with those who wanted to dominate others in this system based upon the Victim-Victimizer fear-based mind-sets. This can also be called archetypal Enemy Patterning.

Entities with the Service to Self ideology were attempting to enslave or eliminate those who followed the Law of One, with the ideology of Service to Others that held love-based mind sets.

This extreme polarity consciousness was amplified due to the AI levels of programming used to weaponize attacks against multiple other species. The Bourgha from the black hole system inserted this virus with AI programming into our matrix creating a time rip with technology called Victim-Victimizer software.
Essentially, this mutation is responsible for the reversal polarity AI spectrum that holds the human race seed memory which contains the timeline when we lost contact with our genetic equal, the loss of our species ability to achieve sacred marriage and Ascension. This is why the red wave spectrum of Survival Consciousness, where they run the AI victim consciousness, is so painful to human hearts and can destroy our personal will. This unnatural extreme polarity mutation introduced by the Black Hole Entities generated distortions in the male-female balance in our Diamond Sun genetic template, and was a contributing factor in Gender Reversals and extreme polarity competition that led to the conflicts that happened during the Fall of Tara, and many other tragic fallen histories.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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