[Previous Poster: "It seems the biggest problem with Christians is their political lobby to stop abortion, to have prayer in schools, to have God on our money and in the pledge, and generally ramming their beliefs down our throats."]
and that is right beside you lobby to force the US to accept gay marriage, insist that a 12 year old is mature enough to make an abortion decision for herself, 13 should be the legal age of sexual consent, and all drugs should be legal. When we won't go along, you try to use lawsuits, lawyers, and activist ACLU judges to "force your agenda down everyones throat"
"Why do you care so much what others believe?"
I don't, but I am sick and tired of mindless left wing idiots like you trying to belittle and attack what I believe. Your ID [bushisatraitor] says it all
"and that is right beside you lobby to force the US to accept gay marriage, insist that a 12 year old is mature enough to make an abortion decision for herself, 13 should be the legal age of sexual consent, and all drugs should be legal. When we won't go along, you try to use lawsuits, lawyers, and activist ACLU judges to "force your agenda down everyones throat"
Bible babble translation:
He's ramming the right to live our lives as we choose down our throats.
He must be stopped.
Points for not calling everyone Nazi's in their post, at least. Usually when you go for the shock treatment and list a bunch of stuff nobody except a few individuals is pushing for onto the same issue as gay marriage, SOMEONE gets called a Nazi to try and up the shock. :P
and that is right beside you lobby to force the US to accept gay marriage, insist that a 12 year old is mature enough to make an abortion decision for herself, 13 should be the legal age of sexual consent, and all drugs should be legal.
Yes, no, no, no.
Now stop lying.
>>and that is right beside you lobby to force the US to accept gay marriage,<<
I see no problem with that, it's not like the government is forcing all men to marry other men, it just provides people with that option. If you don't like it, don't marry another man!
>>insist that a 12 year old is mature enough to make an abortion decision for herself,<<
Who says this?
>>13 should be the legal age of sexual consent,<<
I think eighteen is a pretty good age of consent myself.
>>and all drugs should be legal<<
I personally support the legalization of marijuana and some psychedelics (only for scientific experiments of course), but I personally think that things lie heroin, cocaine and meth should stay illegal.
But what did any of that have to do with Christianity?
"and that is right beside you lobby to force the US to accept gay marriage,"
When will you understand that 2 (or more) consenting adults + 1 closed door = not your business?
"insist that a 12 year old is mature enough to make an abortion decision for herself,"
Well, chances are very high that the pregnancy is the result of rape (or at least statutory rape) anyway, but yeah, it's her body and her spawn so she should have a say over whether or not she wants to have an abortion.
"13 should be the legal age of sexual consent,"
The only ones advocating that that I'm aware of are this Belgian pedophile party (they're also for free public transportations, does this make public transportations evil?)
"and all drugs should be legal."
Personally I'm against all drugs, but I'm not trying to take away your booze and tobacco. And frankly, I have a lot less problems with marijuana than with alcohol.
"...I am sick and tired of mindless left wing idiots like you trying to belittle and attack what I believe."
We wouldn't belittle and attack your beliefs if you didn't believe such stupid things.
"Your ID [bushisatraitor] says it all"
I agree, George may not actually be a traitor. He's an asshole, an idiot, a liar and a cheat, but maybe not a traitor.
"Your ID [bushisatraitor] says it all"
Of course. That single opinion means that someone is automatically for sex with young girl, meth, and an assortment of other crap only supported by a fraction of a percent of Americans.
What, are you painting with a firehose?
I don't, but I am sick and tired of mindless left wing idiots like you trying to belittle and attack what I believe.
But in most cases, Randy, it's you who's trying to tell others what to do. You want the government to step in and pass laws to stop people from doing things you disagree with. "Left wing idiots" just want the government to stay out of peoples' faces and let them do what they want.
Believe what you want. Just don't try to pass laws making everyone conform to your beliefs.
Conservative Christian "to-do" list:
Ban Abortion (Force other people to have unwanted children.)
Prayer in Schools (Force other people to be Christian)
God on Money (Force other people to carry around papers saying "I am Christian.")
Liberal "to-do" list:
Gay Marriage (Allow gay people to marry without forcing anyone to do anything.)
12-year-olds making abortion decisions
13-year-old sexual consent
Legal drugs (None of these have anything to do with what liberals want.)
Look, I'll say this to you again: You're not being "persecuted" when someone else gets the same rights you do. Allowing someone else to do something you don't like does not shove beliefs down your throat.
Editation: No strikethrough! Oh, fuck.
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