randy_ds9 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Previous Poster: "It seems the biggest problem with Christians is their political lobby to stop abortion, to have prayer in schools, to have God on our money and in the pledge, and generally ramming their beliefs down our throats."]

and that is right beside you lobby to force the US to accept gay marriage, insist that a 12 year old is mature enough to make an abortion decision for herself, 13 should be the legal age of sexual consent, and all drugs should be legal. When we won't go along, you try to use lawsuits, lawyers, and activist ACLU judges to "force your agenda down everyones throat"

"Why do you care so much what others believe?"

I don't, but I am sick and tired of mindless left wing idiots like you trying to belittle and attack what I believe. Your ID [bushisatraitor] says it all



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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