Josh Green #conspiracy

I just watched video on political correctness and Marxism. Both related, both engineered by evil men.

Long story short, WWI caused Marxism to fail in the rest of Europe, as country loyalty was more important than class loyalty. This is an underlying factor in western society that Marxism will need to slaughter if it is to succeed.

So, during the 1930s-50s, a bunch of rich Zionist Marxists got together in Frankfurt, Germany to find a new way to destroy western society. The settled on one conclusion: if they can't get the classes to unite, divide and conquer. So they begin pushing this agenda on the malleable youth that they are oppressed in an unjust society, and they are unique snowflakes. Anyone who questions these tactics is evil and fascist. Hence political correctness is born. By cultivation generations of people who think they have it so bad, they earn valuable sheep to their cause.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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