Joachim Bartoll #crackpot #conspiracy #quack
The authorization by the evil FDA comes May 17, 2022, exactly 201-days after Bill Gate’s October 28 birthday. And if you still don’t know the enormous importance of the Jesuit number 201, please read this before moving on:
William Henry Gates = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Bill Gates also helped with the pandemic simulation ‘Event 201,’ just months before they staged the fake pandemic.
May 17 is the 137th day of the year, fittingly 137 is the 33rd prime number; the Freemasonic ‘33.’ Remember, Bill Gates was the CEO of Microsoft for 33-years.
Bill Gates = 33
Federal = 33
Masonry = 33
Bill and Melinda Gates = 115
And this sterilizing and deadly vaccine is for targeting children between 11 and 5, like 115.
The staged and fake pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020, by the evil health organization WHO. This ‘emergency use’ authorization of the ‘covid-19 booster’ by the FDA comes exactly 67 days after the anniversary of the declaration.
Emergency Usage = 67
Covid-19 Booster = 67
Sterilizing = 67 (what they are for, the depopulation agenda)
May 17 comes with 44– and 55-date numerology, and the vaccine is from Pfizer.
5/17/22 = 4 + 17 + 22 = 44
5/17/22 = 5 + 1 + 7 + (20) + (22) = 55
Pfizer = 44, 55
Covid-19 Vaccine = 55
The Jesuits = 55, 55
May 17 not only comes with 44-date numerology, it also comes with 64.
5/17/2022 = 4 + 17 + 20 + 22 = 64
Faked Virus = 44, 64
Their clever little way of mocking us with the truth. Revelation of the method.
And speaking of mocking, notice how they ALWAYS use the Number of the Beast in ALL vaccine stories. They claim “a third vaccine dose raised Omicron-fighting antibodies by 36 times in this age group.”
36? Of course, because 6 x 6 = 36. As in 66.