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Tall White Aliens

All White Aliens are a subspecies of the Grey Alien order. The name Tall White Aliens has been attributed to these creatures as they resemble a Grey alien, only much taller than a common Grey alien. The species of Tall Whites used many genetic manipulations to arrive at their current appearance.


Charles Hall, a nuclear physicist, ex-military American weather specialist and author are touring Australia with his claims that the United States military has been in contact with an alien species for years.

He says the aliens would dress as humans and visit Las Vegas.

In 1964, when I was a weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, I witnessed interactions between the military and a group of mysterious tall, white, human-like extraterrestrials, the Vietnam veteran said from his home in Albuquerque.

Their crafts are capable of travelling faster than the speed of light because Einstein was wrong about relativity.

Mr Hall said no cameras were allowed at the site, which has since been wiped off the map.

When he arrived, a colleague had wanted to lock them in the weather station and not go to the other end of the building because that's where he had encountered them. There was a group of five, two men and three women, and they had come to go to the bathroom. When you encounter the 'tall whites' it's such a shock, you are not sure if you are looking at a ghost or an angel, or if you are dreaming, he said.

Mr Hall said he had contact with three types of aliens - the tall whites (about 2.5 metres tall), greys (with yellow/orange skin) and the Norwegians with 24 teeth, who look like humans and speak English.

He claims that the experiences were real and that the US Air Force were indeed hosting extraterrestrials they had reached agreements with during the 1950's if not earlier. They were principally involved in technology transfers with the US military.

He said US officials had kept it all quiet because people weren't emotionally ready to accept alien life forms.

The tall whites are humanoid in appearance. The first UFO researcher to seriously investigate the Charles Hall story is Paola Harris who interviewed him in July 2003

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In 2011, a YouTuber by the name of ivan0135 uploaded 4 videos with Grey Aliens, that are said to have been filmed in 1961, the same date as the Betty And Barney Hill Abduction. At first, many people thought that the videos were a teaser for an upcoming television series or film, however that was disproven later on. The footage has been analyzed, and while there are many skeptics that doubt the videos are real, many agree that it would be pointless to take a lot of time, effort, and money to make no more than 4 videos and then disappear without a trace. Nobody has taken responsibility for creating the videos since the disappearance of Ivan0135. His disappearance could be attributed to the government locking him out of his account, or possibly kidnapping him or convincing him to stay quiet.

In the first video, a UFO can be seen flying in the air, before cutting to another clip where the same UFO can be seen crashed among multiple Grey Aliens, some dead, others alive. The individual(s) recording the footage is most likely a member of the government or military. The crash depicted in the video could be linked to the Roswell Incident.

In the second video, an alien is shown in what is presumed to be an interview. This alien, given the name Skinny Bob, is most likely a survivor of the crash in the first video. At the end of the video, what is most likely Skinny Bob is shown in what could be a mugshot.

The third video is Ivan0135 talking about the skeptics who doubt that the information presented in the footage is legit. Ivan says that "You are the ones who create your own misinformation".

In the fourth video, which is known as "Family Vacation", an incident is showed in which 3 Grey Aliens were filmed using a hidden device by a military member. It is said in the video that the "arrivals" had been filmed against "the treaty", and without their consent. The video also states that the treaty mentioned prevented anyone from recording or photographing meetings held between the Grey Aliens and US Government. It states that after the incident, the treaty was revised. This is the last video that was ever uploaded.

It could be possible that contact between Grey Aliens and the US Government ended after these documents. However, it is also possible that the US Government and Grey Aliens still cooperate in modern day.

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Men in Black

The Men In Black (sometimes abbreviated to the acronym MIB coined by John Keel) are strangers dressed in black suits (sometimes reported wearing black Kevlar vests and black helmets over said suits) who threaten UFO witnesses into silence. They also harass witnesses to other paranormal events to keep them quiet about what they have seen. Some reports mention that they also guard private areas in the Appalachian mountain chain.


The MIB usually travel in a group of three and drive black vehicles, most reports are of cars but some reports mention SUVs. They show strange or otherworldly behaviors, such as trying to drink jello or not knowing what a ball point pen is, and they seem to have advanced technology. One woman even claimed that The Men In Black took part of her memory. The MIB were seen after Mothman sightings and Dover Demon sightings. They told witnesses of both these creatures not to talk about their experiences. There are also Women In Black or Female MIBs but they are rarely seen. Sightings
Modern Accounts

Men In Black figure prominently in UFO folklore. In 1947, Harold Dahl claimed to have been warned not to talk about his alleged UFO sighting on Maury Island by a man in a dark suit. When the Skunk Ape phenomenon was popular, a group investigating him had a hair sample stolen from them by two men in sunglasses and dark suits driving a black Sedan.

In the mid 1950s, UFOlogist Albert Bender claimed he was visited by men in dark suits who threatened and warned him not to continue investigating UFOs. Bender believed Men In Black were secret government agents tasked with suppressing evidence of UFOs. The late UFOlogist John Keel claimed to have encounters with Men In Black, and referred to them as "demonic supernaturals" with "dark skin and/or “exotic” facial features". According to UFOlogist Jerome Clark, reports of Men In Black represent "experiences" that “don’t seem to have occurred in the world of consensus reality.”


Government Agents

The strange men are seen as a sort of damage control and it is sometimes said that they may be government agents or even aliens themselves.

Past Accounts of Demons

Folklorist Peter Rojcewicz compared Men In Black accounts to tales of people encountering the devil and speculated they could be considered a kind of "psychological drama". For example, in the 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter, "the black man" is used as a euphemism for Satan who is said to haunt the forest, and Washington Irving's story "The Devil and Tom Walker" includes the character of Satan, named as "the black man". In 1932, H. P. Lovecraft also used the figure of "the black man" in his tale "The Dreams in the Witch-House" as a synonym for Satan.


Other people think that the men in black are cyborgs sent to Earth to hush up alien evidence.

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Eer-moonan are bipedal creatures from Aboriginal Dreamtime myths.

(Drawing of a porcupine-headed furry holding a spear)

Appearance and Behavior

They have the heads of Echidna (porcupine like marsupial), the bodies of dogs, and the feet of human women. Eer-moonan are most likely bipedal. Eer-moonan are stealthy creatures who hunt and kill humans for unknown reasons.

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Beast of Bears

imageartist rendition

The Beast of Bears is a cryptid found in Southern Texas, Florida, Virginia, and possibly Arkansas. The creature resembles a large bear with many scars and missing patches of fur. It is commonly seen near swamps as well as various areas in deep woods. The creature is described as having a strong pungent smell of alcohol and rotten eggs.

The Beast of Bears resembles a large bear with many scars and missing patches of fur. It has also been theorized that because it lives near swamps, that it has gills. It also has large red eyes like those of the Mothman.


imageIn a back yard in Florida

The first sighting of the Beast of Bears was October 12, 1973, at a camping spot near the town of Alice, Texas. Since then, over 31 sightings have been made of the creature, the most recent of which was on the 1st of May, 2012 in a back yard out side of Crestview, Florida.

The first sighting of the Beast of Bears was made by nature photographer Philip Hyde in 1973, at a camping spot
near the town of Alice, Texas.


Though the first official sighting was in 1973, there is evidence to support that the Beast of Bears is not a hoax. This drawing suggests that the Beast of Bears is also further up north, in Canada. It was drawn by a person who wishes to remain anonymous.


There are Inuit stories about giant bears who drag people under the water, drown them and eat them. Though these have never been proven, people have been known to go missing around all these areas, some of the causes have been listed as bear attacks.

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Air rods, called "flying rods" and sometimes referred to as "sky fish," are something like crop circles in that even some skeptics believe in their existence. The only question is what they really are. Invisible to the eye, they are picked up by cameras all over the world.



Are they living creatures, alien probes, or some sort of 3D electromagnetic smudge? To believers in the cryptozoology-based theory of air rods, air rods are probably living creatures, and they are possibly related to older stories of atmospheric beasts.

Air Rods might not be made of matter. Perhaps they are made of electromagnetic fluxes or some other form of energy. It is possible that an electromagnetic flux of the right sort would affect film but not be visible to humans. If this is true and air rods are alive, they would be the first living creatures of that sort we have ever discovered. If air rods are made of some sort of electromagnetic flux and are not alive, they should still be studied because they represent a weird phenomenon that science could probably learn a lot from.

Another suggestion is that air rods are made of some undiscovered, fifth phase of matter (other than solid, gas, liquid and plasma). If that were true, confirming their existence would be doubly exciting. A totally new life form and a new phase of matter all in one!

The total lack of dead air rod bodies also leads some researchers to consider that they might be made out of something other than conventional matter. If they are made of conventional matter, their bodies must disintegrate into tiny particles at death, or their bodies might not be recognizable as air rods after death. Perhaps they just look like a loose collection of broken fly wings or other parts that people assume must have broken off from known insects.

Whatever air rods are, they are exciting and deserve scientific research, whether they are living creatures or just some sort of anomaly that happens to fly around as if it is alive.

Another theory suggests that, if Air Rods are one and the same with Atmospheric Beasts, they could have evolved from the organisms that are native to the clouds.


To skeptics, air rods are bits of flying debris, insects or birds filmed under unusual conditions, or blips on film that are due to errors in film processing.

People were scared and shocked when they realized that rods might be living creatures, so the first thing they did was try to disprove this by showing that air rods were something normal that simply showed up on film in an odd way. They already had solid proof that rods were not two-dimensional blotches on the film. This meant that rods could be insects, birds, or something else that was somehow blurred weirdly as it was being filmed. However, all attempts to deliberately create air rod footage by filming insects and birds in odd ways failed to produce anything that matched the features of rods. Airborne debris, such as bits of straw, also failed to duplicate air rods. The most studied air rod films showed air rods swooping within a dozen feet of the camera, coming close to the ground and going between objects with nearby trees and bushes visible behind the air rods, so that they couldn't be long, thin birds or precise lines of insects seen in the distance, as some skeptics claimed.

However, when people tried to duplicate air rods using fake models that were thrown or pulled rapidly through the air, they got much closer. It is absurdly easy to hoax air rod photographs using models or computer generated images. Hoaxing air rod films are harder because it is much more difficult to make your models move and behave like air rods. However, hauling them about skillfully enough on fine wires can do the trick. You just need some skill in puppetry. Faked air rod photographs or films differ from the genuine air rod footage in that the faked items are generally easier to see and more whitish in color. It is harder to create the glass-clear and blurry air rods that are more typical.

However, these fakes prove nothing. It is obvious from the sheer number of air rods that hoaxers could not have pulled off even one percent of the pre-discovery air rod footage. How many movie studios do you think let air rod hoaxers run around pulling their models through the air in the background of films decades ago? And how did so many air rods get into normal home videos from all over the world? Not only is a hoax of this scale completely absurd, but it would have been uncovered years ago if it had existed. Air rod models, unlike genuine air rods, are perfectly visible to the naked eye. People would have been aware of what was happening, even if you could somehow coordinate that many hoaxers for a whole century!

Therefore, any successful attempt to show that air rods are not real would have to bring forth some phenomena that could be accidentally filmed, something that the skeptics have so far failed to do. This hasn't stopped skeptics from putting forth many ideas that don't even come close to explaining air rod footage. Skeptics still rely on the ideas of insects, birds and windblown debris fairly frequently.

Also, since it is hard to disprove the historical air rod footage, many skeptics have chosen to concentrate their energies on the most tender and vulnerable area of the air rod phenomena. This is the fad that gained momentum after the initial discoveries. The idea of air rods attracted all sorts of weirdos and kooks. Also, since it is so easy to hoax air rod photographs, many hoaxes began showing up to complicate the issue. It is fairly easy to attack these hoaxes, so that is what skeptics did. In fact, all post-discovery air rod footage is suspect unless it can be solidly proven that the filmmaker was not trying to get air rod footage. A true professional hoaxer could skillfully use puppetry and/or computer generated images to produce fake films that would be quite hard to detect.

Most air rods have been debunked as a problem with cameras that shows an insect's several wing beats instead of one, creating a rod effect (see picture above).


Artist's rendering

Air rods were discovered in the 1990s. People found that some films of all types, ranging from home videos to movies seen in theaters, had odd disturbances that looked something like blurry rods that were mostly transparent, occasionally whitish in color. Most of these disturbances were fast-moving and barely visible to the eye. These rods show up best against large areas of the same color, such as the sky.

The people who examined films for anomalies of this sort started calling what they did "sky fishing" because they usually started by looking at the areas of sky that were visible in films. They found that these rods were widespread. Countless films had them lurking almost imperceptibly in the corners, including old television shows, movies, films of sporting events, almost everything imaginable. There were simply too many examples to study them all, running into the thousands or tens of thousands. There were also air rods visible in photographs, but these were hardly studied at all for reasons that will become clear below.

Close study of air rod films revealed a number of very interesting features. As these rods zoomed about, they displayed all the features of three-dimensional objects. In other words, they were not two-dimensional blotches on the camera lens or on the film itself, but something out there in the environment that was actually being filmed by accident. This three-dimensional nature of air rods has been proven without a doubt by the types of measurements and tests that only professionals can do. Careful measurements showed that most rods were between four inches and three feet long. They seemed like uniform cylinders without any difference between the head end and tail end, with pairs of appendages along the length of this cylinder.

Flying Rod in the night time. Insect? New Species? Or something alien?
In some air rods, these appendages look like fins that vibrate rapidly along the entire length of the cylinder in undulating waves. Other rods have appendages that look more like very rapidly beating bee wings. Most of the time, rods are blurry and transparent in color, making them inconspicuous. A rare few are very white in color, sometimes an even, solid white. The cylinder part often resembles an out-of-focus hair on the camera lens, but the appendages along with the three-dimensional turnings and motions mean that genuine air rods cannot possibly be hairs on the camera lens.

In addition to their three-dimensional character, these rods seemed to act in intelligent ways. Sometimes several rods followed each other and seemed to play with each other in the manner that butterflies might play. Rods sometimes followed people. They never went through other objects, they always went around them, even when this meant deviating from the path they had been on before. This seemed to indicate that they could not pass through solid objects and that they might be alive.


However, if they were living creatures, why had people never seen them? Why did they only show up on film? And what could they possibly be made of?

This fad has produced a mountain of recent photos and films. Suspiciously, the whitish air rods that are easy to see are showing up much more frequently in these pictures. Also, since rods are blurry, a great number of rather ordinary things that probably are random anomalies of film developing or hairs on the camera lens have been identified as air rods by amateurs. It is easy for skeptics to demolish such pictures. However, if something has never been taken seriously by serious air rod researchers, skeptics don't prove anything by debunking it.

It has become popular among the faddish air rod supporters to claim that air rods can be seen with the naked eye, something that serious researchers have never suggested. It has also become popular to claim that air rods are not living creatures, instead, they are UFO probes sent by aliens. There is no particular evidence connecting aliens and air rods, people just think that it seems like a good idea. This idea is so popular that many believers have started calling air rods "Roswell rods" after Roswell, New Mexico, a town with a famous history of UFOs. Also, this is because the famous "cave footage" (one of the clearest known films of air rods) was filmed in New Mexico, but not in Roswell.

Apart from the fad and the people this fad has attracted, serious researchers are still trying to find a solution to the air rod mystery. The biggest part of this mystery focuses on what air rods might be made of. How can something be visible on film (even if it is inconspicuous) but never to the naked eye? There is no known material substance that has this property. Faddists like to claim that air rods move too fast for people to see them. This is simply not true. Although air rods are fast, many films show them taking several seconds to circle a person. Anything going at such a speed ought to be visible.
Air rods do look as if they vibrate at a high rate, lending them a blurry character, but this phenomenon is like that of quickly rotating blades in a fan. As the blades speed up, they become a blur and then gradually become almost transparent, but you can still see them. It might be possible for air rods to be nearly invisible if they are made of a small number of thin, transparent surfaces that vibrate or beat the air very quickly. If this is what air rods are made of, they are probably insects of some kind. They would be a new species since nobody has ever reported invisible insects before. Even so, it does seem suspicious that people cannot see them but the camera can. Even if they are transparent, quick-moving and blurry, it seems like people ought to be able to see them without the use of cameras.

imageRod effect