
Dylan Louis Monroe #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick #wingnut dylanlouismonroe.com


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The Sephirot Map follows the evolution of an occult belief system that relishes in human sacrifice & war, and uses banking as a tool for global domination. It is not a reinterpretation of the Kabbalistic tree of life, but is designed to reference key ideas contained within its nodes using graphic elements. It is a trisected timeline that covers a period from biblical times through 1913.

The supreme deity of this cult goes by many names; Baal, Moloch, Lucifer… One could argue that there are technically two factions among these occultists, the Satanists and the Luciferians, but once the flesh starts flying, only a psychopath would appreciate the subtle difference. The constant theme through this deity’s many incarnations is its insatiable appetite and demand for blood sacrifice.
The core values of these societies are elitism and deception. Even the majority of the members are kept in the dark as to the secrets of the highest order. As Albert Pike revealed, “Lucifer is God,” but only advanced degree Masons are told.

If all three Abrahamic religions have been pagan at their core since their beginning, who is the majority of the world’s population really worshiping? Who are we feeding our energy to? Humanity has been treacherously betrayed by its leaders of both church and state for centuries, but the extent of their crimes has yet to be fully assimilated.
This is the power structure that humanity is up against. The force behind this cult of evil is evidently anti-humanity, and likely non-human itself. Psychopathy derives from the reptilian brain. Satan, Pindar, Lord Archon are all names that refer to a leader who remains hidden behind a veil. “I Am That I Am.” The people in charge today are the same people who carried out the Inquisition. Their God is a sadist of the highest order.

As Q likes to say… “These people are sick!!!”