ECETI #god-complex #ufo #magick #mammon
<A Selection of Enlightened Contact with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Books available online>
After a near-death experience in 1979, James Gilliland opened to interdimensional reality and met Cazekiel, better known as Ezekiel in biblical days. Together James and Cazekiel prophesied the 1994 collision of comets with Jupiter, followed by escalating earth changes. Reunion with Source offers practical advice on renewing the mind, cultivating healthy relationships, and parenting young masters. It also presents a bold new perspective on ancient history; divine intervention; biblical pillar clouds and chariots of fire; and the mystery schools.
The rare simplicity and elegance of Reunion with Source inspires with spirit, prophecy and play. It transcends religious and scientific dogma to expand social consciousness.
Join these celestial messengers in their adventure into the nature of reality and interdimensional mind.
Some will think it a contradiction in terms to speak of a "practical" book about spirituality, but in James Gilliland's Becoming Gods, Cazekiel, a member of an unseen brotherhood, teaches us in a very straightforward and pragmatic manner about our divinity and our true heritage as multidimensional beings. Speaking to us in a non-condescending tone as fellow beings of the Light, Cazekiel presents profound guidance regarding the true meaning of Christ Consciousness, the balance of existing between two worlds, the reality of dreams and visions, and reveals the New World about to be born as the Old World passes away. The wisdom teachings in this book are highly recommended for all those seeking self-mastery.