
Entity Art #crackpot #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy entityart.co.uk

I research the global conspiracy a lot – as many areas of it as I can, from health, to transhumanism, MK ultra, fake terrorism, geopolitics, Zionism, Freemasonry, economics, history, WW2 etc etc. As well as this I also research the areas of ET abductions, Milabs and Secret Space Programs. I have been following the Secret Space Program area since it really came about – following all these ‘whistleblowers’ and ‘insiders’. This is mainly due to me having various related night-time flashbacks, night-time memories and ET experiences of my own. Ever since becoming lucid during various night time otherworldly operations, and the fragmented memories, I have been researching these areas incessantly and diligently.
The reason for this is that I have discovered that Hitler and Germany were actually the good guys, and the Allied forces were the bad guys (To put it in simplified terms). There are articles on this website with a lot of information about this, from a wide variety of sources. But in Ufology and the SSP narrative there is such a lot of negativity directed towards the ‘Nazis’.
It is important to remember that Hitler and Germany’s National Socialism was the biggest threat to the Freemasonic Jewish Supremacist Zionists and their aim for a New World Order / One World Government – so the negative propaganda and lies about Hitler and Germany’s National Socialism is very pervasive. Understanding the truth about Hitler and The National Socialist Workers Party (NSDAP) should cause you to question the legitimacy of many of the testimonies in the Ufology arena.

You must also realize who your oppressors are, it’s not the ‘Illuminati’ or ‘The Cabal’ – its the 33rd degree and above Freemasons and the Jewish Supremacist Zionists – read ‘The Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion’…
You don’t save humanity and get real beneficial disclosure through sharing ET stories – you get it by becoming knowledgable, finding solutions and taking action against the system.

Entity Art #racist #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut entityart.co.uk

So why is it obvious the David Icke is not really one of us? … That he is not our guy…. That he is working for (((them)))… so many reasons:

Firstly, Icke has appeared on mainstream television here in the UK on quite a few occasions, many times in fact, even appearing on a very popular morning television program just a few years ago. And, of course, he was on prime time TV when he was just starting out with his ‘conspiracy theories’. The Zionists are not going to allow anyone onto mainstream TV stations that they don’t want on there. Come on.
Icke does not expose terrorist events as being faked – staged drills passed off as real, with nobody dying in them. And he does not expose the Freemasonic / jewish gematria coded into them and the Freemasonry symbology on display. He calls some of them false flags, but there is a big difference between a false flag and a hoax. Boston bombing, Orlando shooting, Las Vegas, Paris Bataclan, Manchester Arena, Nice Bastille Day etc etc,set up by the Zionists and Freemasons.
Icke uses the Reptilian rhetoric as a deflection and distraction. Politicians and Royal Family members being shape shifting reptiles etc… I don’t believe this at all. Sure, there are going to be some extraterrestrial intelligences having a big influence this planet, probably mainly offworld somewhere, but this shape shifting rhetoric is nonsense in my eyes, zero proof for it.

(It was designed to make Truthers look like they were nuts and without credibility – notice how Icke does not talk about this subject anymore)
But David Icke won’t tell you this part – as this is who David Icke ultimately works for – he is working toward the jewish New World Order. And yes, it is absolutely a jewish agenda, Icke won’t emphasise this. This New World Order agenda all comes from the jewish doctrines and scriptures (the Talmud, the Zohar, the Kaballah, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion)… it’s all there in them… no escaping from it, this is where it originates from…