
Answer (aka _gonzalez) #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

It may be weak, but it's far from false. We all, excluding third world countries, have science thrust upon us at an early age, everyday in school. While not all science deals with evolution, we have been taught to believe that science is as true as mathematics, so that once a scientist says something, we automatically classify it as truth and a new discovery. We find a couple of bones not quite shaped like the normal human skull and instead of turning to erosion or pressure we immediately assume we evolved from these "cavemen."

_gonzalez #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

[In response to "Let me get this straight, bible based beliefs = believing in people being able to live inside whales? Arks that carry unlimited weight and burning trees that talk?"]

I'll pretend this isn't the eighth time you've said this same exact thing, but if you for a second believe in a higher being, particularly an Almighty God, then the stories make perfect sense. An omnipotent God would easily be able to do the things that you classify as "impossible."

_gonzalez #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

But while we're on the subject, the belief of creation is very plausible and probable. Thousands of scientists agree that the human body is made too perfectly and too complex to have been formed by chance. I'm sure you're also aware of the situation with our sun. If we were but just a little farther away, we'd freeze to death, but a bit closer and we'd be burned alive. There's a perfect cycle of water, and basically a circle of life also. The male has one less rib than the female, in all cases. I actually thought this was a myth when I first heard it; I was surprised to hear it was actually true.

["Gonzalez, you're an idiot. I'm pretty sure Men don't have one less rib than women, idiot."]


[Later in the thread...]

Btw before anyone owns me I'd like to own myself: All women and men have the same amount of ribs. My mother (hah) who is a natural health consultant, claimed that men did have one less rib than women, and she said she had heard it in an anatomy class. Stupidly, I believed her without doing my own research. Apparently, they have the same amount of ribs.

_gonzalez #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

Sure, some of the Bible stories might be quesitonable, but it's all about perspective. If there was a very poor adult man in Africa that never went to school and had been living in tents all his life, never seen a picture or heard stories of America or been outside of his town for his entire life, and you tried explaining to him in words that in America there are buildings like this [Gonzalez posts a picture skyskraper]... He'd think your full of shit. Until of course you showed him pictures. It's the same thing with the Bible, except that we don't have pictures, so we can't convince as many people.

_gonzalez #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

How do you find it so hard to believe in the Bible? Why do you automatically assume that time differentiates things. One can believe that a handful of Spartans held off half of the Persian empire, yet not believe that Jesus cured the sick. One can believe that Achilles was a mighty warrior yet had a weak ankle, yet cannot believe that Noah had built an ark. One can believe Alexander the Great conquered almost the entire world in his twenties, but cannot believe the Earth was created by a God.

_gonzalez #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

[Explaining the rationale behind Jehovah's Witnesses rejecting blood transfusions]

As for the blood transfusions, in the Bible it speaks of blood 400 times in the Hebrew Scriptures alone. Genesis 9:3, 4 says: “Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul—its blood—you must not eat.” Of course, this has nothing to do with transfusions, but it is but one example of how God did not want his people of old having anyhting to do with blood.

MAD #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

I mean, just imagine if every single fuckin' thing you did or thought had to be proven with the scientific method:

"Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?"
"I'm hungry. Can I have a Big Mac?"
"Well first you need to prove that you are hungry."
"Then you need to show me that your current metabolic state requires the amount of fat and calories that are contained in a Big Mac."
"Yes, here is some calculation paper. Come back when you have completed a justification for your nutritional needs."
"What the fuck are you talking about. I just want fuckin' Big Mac!"
"I'm sorry sir, your wants are irrelevant. Science requires data to justify your hypothesis that your are hungry. You have to prove that you need the Big Mac."
"You're fuckin' nuts! I'm going to Wendy's."

_gonzalez #fundie forums.pointsofauthority.com

[On the subject of whether or not Criss Angel is an ordinary human being, or if he has supernatural powers]

I vote supernatural. There's simply no way to levitate from building to building without some sort of powers.

I just find it impossible to even see how he does the things that he does. Seriously he vanished a 4 and a half ton elephant right in front of people and the people had made a human wall around it.

Also, there's been many thoughts of how he did the water trick, plexiglass blocks etc, but how the hell do you cut yourself in half and then have people walk through it?

[Later in the thread, clarifying his view on Criss Angel]

lol no if anything i think he's closer to a demon than to an angel. but seriously if anyone watches like just one of his shows the things he does are just baffling, the only reason you wouldn't believe he is super-natural is b/c you don't believe in such a thing.