
Ahreeman X #fundie iranpoliticsclub.net

Democrats are the most corrupt political party in history of America. They do anything to cling to power. The founding fathers plan for America was for the patriots to go to the capital and serve their terms by serving the people. Once their terms were finished, to go back to their businesses, farms and trade. The Founding Fathers had no intention for these cock roaches to become career politicians and remain in the congress for decades, some over 30 years and suck the blood and livelihood out of their districts’ constituents!

These leeches get rich off of insider trading at Wallstreet, bribes by lobbyists, sweet deals with foreign governments and kickbacks by corporations. Take a good look at the hundreds of millions of dollars made by the corrupt politicians such as Clintons, Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Elijah Cummings, the Black Caucus and the rest of the Democrat Bosses. These cock roaches live in six million-dollar mansions while their constituents in their districts live in the rat-infested housings or are flat-out homeless! Look at San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, Baltimore, Chicago or any other Democrat run urban area of the large US Cities!

GOP Establishment is no better. They cling to power like leeches. These rotten moving corps, never retire, unless they die (like John McCain) or they rot (like Nancy Pelosi)!

Today’s Democrat Party is not the party of JFK but it is a Liberal Socialist Party with hardcore Marxist ideological core inherited from the Marxist Professors who have been indoctrinating the kids in the universities for over 30 years! Throughout all of these indoctrinations, the GOP has been silent! Do you know why? Because the GOP of Pre Trump, was not a Conservative Party, yet it was a “Globalist Republican” party.