
L-e-i-n-t-h #homophobia #kinkshaming l-e-i-n-t-h.tumblr.com

What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?

I don’t like that kind of ships. I’m a canon shipper. And if canon does not satisfy me, I create OC’s, rather than make a crack ship. I know, my flagship in Saint Seiya is totally a crack ship (Aiolos/Seika), but that’s my only exception. I think many m/m ships are, somehow, other expressions of misoginy. If authors were sexist enough to not give us enough well developed female characters, shipping m/m seems to me like condoning that sexism.

And I don’t believe in these ships as “representation” for MOGAI. You cannot bend someone’s sexuality, and I tend to treat fictional characters as real people, cause I know that what I do to them is a symbol of what I am. I wouldn’t bend a MOGAI character’s sexuality, so I tend to not do that to straight characters either.

Of course, I’m exposing myself to be judged as the ultimate homophobic, or something>