
Miles Mathis #conspiracy #crackpot mileswmathis.com

For those who haven’t spent any time on my science site, what I discovered more than a decade ago now was that celestial mechanics and the Solar System are not powered by gravity alone. I proved that the big field equations—like those of Newton, Laplace, Lagrange, and Einstein—were actually dual-field equations that always included charge. It is charge, not gravity, that drives everything, including orbits, tides, and everything else. Charge also drives the 11-year Solar Cycles, and I had shown exactly how that worked by 2014. In February 2020 I finally provided all the graphs and flow charts proving it. I was able to match past charts and to predict the next cycle. Those predictions are all coming true in real time, so much so that the mainstream is in a panic. They are going so far as to miscount sunspots in order to hide the fact I was right.

Shouldn’t they be happy someone has finally figured this out? As scientists, aren’t they supposed to be excited by new knowledge? Well, they are supposed to be, but they aren’t. They don’t like the fact that an outsider saw something they didn’t. So they are hunkering down and refusing to budge, either pretending I don’t exist or covertly attacking me. This should not really surprise anyone who knows how things actually work in this world.

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

Lincoln’s Assassination was a manufactured event: meaning, it never happened

The second red flag I found is that the assassination took place in a theater. No one ever looks closely at that. It is a red flag because this is all theater. As with Booth being an actor, I have known about Ford’s Theater since I was a child, but—like the rest of you—I have never let the fact really enter my consciousness. I have seen the fact, but I have not observed it. I have memorized it like a bit of history I might need to regurgitate for a test, but have never looked closely at it. We should have always found both facts highly curious. No researcher that I know of has ever tripped over Lincoln's assassination being in a theater. The big clues are missed from the very beginning, which should tell us we have been in the presence of poor researchers from day one. From my vantage, I can tell you that this seems to be caused by the fact that the others are approaching this problem as either history or conspiracy, rather than as a murder investigation. History and conspiracy tend to be very complex, while murder is usually surprisingly simple. Without exception, these other investigators allow themselves to be buried under an excess of information. They soon get lost in the bog. Since the bog was created just for that purpose, we should not be surprised to find them sinking in it; but I will show you a way to pass through without even getting your shoes dirty.

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

FBI agent Richard Trask (above) has been arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife. Coincidentally, he was also involved in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Trask supposedly entrapped the Wolverine Watchmen, a paramilitary group, and brought them to “justice” for the plot. You have to laugh. Is anyone still gullible enough to buy these stories?

Let's see, how many were arrested in the Whitmer plot? 13. When was that? October 8, 2020. That would be 10/8, aces and eights, Chai.

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

I have already posted about 5 new pages on my science site, and am now working on this paper on the Successor Ideology.

If you haven’t heard of it, it is a new term coined last year by Wesley Yang as an umbrella term for all the “radical” stuff going on now, including BLM, critical race theory, cultural Marxism, transgender promotion, and all the rest. Yang admits this movement has replaced or displaced old-style liberalism, but he conspicuously (I would say) diverts you away from what I have been warning: this has all been manufactured by Intelligence to purposely create division and divert attention away from the usual suspects. Also to finally destroy old-style liberalism.

You can see this by taking the link from Wikipedia to a discussion at the Manhattan Institute that includes Yang as well as two MI spooks Reihan Salam and Coleman Hughes and NYT spook Ross Douthat. All these guys misdirect the entire time, never getting near the question of source. Or, by context, they imply it must be a natural outcome, arising organically out of academia and grassroots activism. But of course it isn't. Anyone awake can see the fingerprints of Intel all over this. Zerohedge is partially republishing a piece by Matt Taibbi that misdirects you from the CIA in the same way. Taibbi suggests conservatives are missing the point by “hyperventilating about critical race theory”, but like the rest he misses the nut: this was all cooked up by Intelligence to sow fear and dissension.

Which means the conservatives have it about right. Although the conservative commentary is also paid to miss the CIA connection, they do understand this is about sowing dissension. They do realize it is about starting race, sex, and party wars, to keep your eyes off the very rich. But since much of the commentary from the right comes from the Republican Party, or what used to be the Republican Party, they can't really put a target on the rich. They ARE the rich. So they are put in the curious position of outing the cooked up civil war while skipping who cooked it. You can see this every night from Tucker Carlson, as the rich boy pretends to out the rich and powerful while interviewing someone from the Hoover Institution. Only my readers can spot the contradiction, and the line Tucker can never cross over.

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

You will say if that is so, then I must be implying Trump stole the election. No, not really. He didn’t steal it, via Russia or anywhere else. It was all pre-arranged, with the agreement of Biden and all the rest. Biden knew he was going to lose. Trump and Biden are just political actors, hiding the real centers of power. You may know it as the deep state, but I don't call it that because there is nothing particularly deep about it. Hidden, yes; deep, no.


So why am I here? I am not here to show you the steal, but the fake. This election wasn’t stolen, it was faked from the ground up by a group of guys around a table and a computer program. How could I tell? Because the numbers never made any sense from the start. They should have tried to match the procedure to previous elections, but as in 2016, they couldn’t be bothered. This election didn’t even proceed like 2016, and it was like watching an election on another planet. To start with, we saw the AP calling states before any votes had come in. They called New York, Virginia, Illinois, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii for Biden with 0% reporting, the moment the polls closed. They called Wyoming, South Dakota, and Mississippi for Trump with 0% reporting. They didn’t do that in 2016, or in 2012 either, because the only way they could do it is with exit polls. They told us after 2004 they didn’t trust exit polls, and the AP is denying they are calling elections based on exit polls. So how did they do it? The entrails of geese?

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

On October 3, this video at youtube was posted by the spokesman [Dr. Reiner Fuellmich] for an international team of lawyers and scientists who are filing Crimes Against Humanity lawsuits against those promoting Covid. I suggest you watch it and spread it. Even if these guys turn out to be controlled opposition—and for now I don’t think they are—this announcement is important because it confirms that top people agree with us that the Covid crisis has been a manufactured scam. They call it the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

So if your mom or dad or husband or wife won’t take your word for it, have them watch this video, where we find included in this team of experts John Ioannidas of Stanford, who is both a professor and physician and who wrote the most-accessed article ever written in the history of Public Library of Science. The title of the article is “Why Most Published Research Findings are False”. Ah, a man after my own heart. Maybe that is why both his papers and mine have gone viral. He has been called the scourge of sloppy science. Also Michael Levitt, Nobellist in chemistry. Also Dr. Mike Yeadon, former science advisor to Pfizer, who has said in public that all Covid tests may be from false positives.

Yes, we have red flags popping up there, with the name Levitt, Stanford University, and Pfizer, indicating this may be controlled opposition. I also note the book by Gerry Spence displayed prominently in the background of the video behind Fuellmich. Still, it is difficult to understand how this project helps them. It may guarantee the lawsuits’ failure, but even in the event it does, it is still confirming that all these people believe Covid is fake in some very large and important ways, which may be more damaging in the longrun than any lawsuit.

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

Anyway, among the many things Dr. Fuellmich confirms are that the mortality of Covid is no higher than the seasonal flu, and may actually be less. Also that the hospitals that were supposed to be overflowing were actually almost empty. Also that films from hospitals were faked. Also that the panic was created on purpose, in order to promote vaccines and other agendas. Also that the WHO, CDC, and other major governmental bodies worldwide have lied at the behest of foundations and corporations that control them. Also that almost everyone who has died was very old and had pre-existing conditions, again indicating the mortality of Covid is extremely low. Also that the Covid test was not created to diagnose or confirm Covid, as its inventor admits and as is admitted in its own literature—including inserts that come with it—and in the CDC’s own publications. That is, a positive result does not indicate infection with anything. It can give a positive result on anyone who has ever had a cold. Also that doctors have been instructed to assign deaths to Covid, whether that was truly indicated or not. Also that doctors and officials were PAID to list deaths as Covid when they were not. Also that government bodies recommended that no autopsies be performed in Covid cases, in order to hide the fact that Covid was NOT the cause. Also that those in media and government—when confronted with this evidence—had been instructed not to argue facts, but instead to label the opposition as conspiracy theorists and treat them as cranks, even when they were tenured professors at Stanford or Nobel Prize winners. Sound familiar? Also that orders from the CDC and governors have been completely unConstitutional, bypassing our legislative system completely and therefore our right to representation. Also that courts at all levels have utterly failed to protect our rights and uphold the Constitution, undermining their basic function. Also that all these actions above constitute massive centralized fraud and intent to cause harm. Also that provable harm—including complicity in mass murder—has been done on a worldwide scale, hence the Crimes Against Humanity tag. But you don’t have to take my word for it, watch the video for yourself.

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

Infowars tops its page with a big fake picture of a nuclear explosion, and the story that Putin has now officially threatened to nuke Western cities, including US cities, if NATO continues to support Ukraine. Fake. US bankers created post-Revolution Russia*, and we have owned them ever since. They were our allies up to 1946 and still are, the whole Cold War thing being staged from the get-go. Putin is just another one of our actors, pulled out of some international actors equity composed of worldwide peers. Same goes for Zelensky, one of the worst actors ever. Orwell told us exactly how it would be in 1984, and everyone claims to have read it, so where is the mystery here? The entire conflict is staged to create fear and destabilization, and to get eyes off the vaccine crime against humanity. So how does Alex Jones, who sells himself as revolutionary #1, not know this? He hasn't read 1984?

Same thing with the lead story on Russia hitting a tank depot in Kiev with cruise missiles. As proof of that we get a picture of some smoke from a great distance.

Speaking of Zelensky and Putin, am I the only one who has noticed that everyone hired by Jones seems to be Jewish? Tax expert Tyler Bennett was on today, not only looking and sounding very Jewish, but with the name Bennett as a huge clue as well. The Bennetts are closely related to the Queen and we have seen them in hundreds of top events over the centuries. Same for agent Kaitlyn Bennett, married to admitted Jew Justin Moldow. How can people not see through these people, just from their names and faces? Owen Shroyer is obviously Jewish, again just from his name and face. I don't have to dig any deeper than that.

Miles Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

Brian Laundrie, or BrainWash, was allegedly found eaten by alligators or something in a swamp. Only part of his skull was found and they supposedly identified him by dental records. If you believe that, good luck to you in future. You need to wear a t-shirt that says I'm a Chump. Both those families are obvious CIA actors, as I proved in my paper on them.

Same for Kyle Rittenhouse and his accomplices. They decided to draw that one out as well, manufacturing a fake trial and having everyone lie on the stand, committing mass perjury. Except that perjury is limited to real trials. In fake trials it doesn't apply. It is just part of the fiction. See my previous comments on Rittenhouse in my paper on the Presidential election, p. 23. We have more indication of that from the video of George Floyd's relative or friend inciting jury intimidation. Why has he not been arrested? Also remember what I have told you a hundred times: if it is televised, it is fake. Only CIA trials are televised.

Miles Williams Mathis #conspiracy mileswmathis.com

[From "The Glen Ridge Rape was Faked"]

This event allegedly happened in 1989, before the golden age of hoaxes, so we find no exposés of it on Youtube. I could find nothing off Youtube, either, but didn't look past the first pages on a search. So I guess I am in virgin territory here, so to speak. Just where I like to be. The first thing we find is that Glen Ridge is a very wealthy community in New Jersey where the median family income is above $175,000. Although the population is only about 7,000, Glen Ridge has a long list of notable people, including Buzz Aldrin, Tom Cruise, Edward Mitchell, Cindy Sherman, Kerry Bishé, Alison Stewart, Don van Natta, and internet hoax artist Mike Z. Tom Cruise graduated from the high school at which the event occurred, although he was of course there about a decade earlier. This leads us to the discovery Cruise's father worked as a defense consultant for the Canadian military. In other places this is scrubbed by telling us Cruise's father was an electrical engineer, but Wikipedia admits his father worked for the Canadian military as a defense consultant. The family moved around a lot, which leads us to ask what a defense consultant was doing in Glen Ridge in 1980. There must be a defense facility in the area we aren't told about. Perhaps it is the Picatinny Arsenal about 15 miles to the west. According to their website, they supply all conventional ammunition for the armed forces and 90% of the Army's lethality. Wow.


The next thing we learn is that one of the boys initially charged with rape in the Glen Ridge case was Richard Corcoran, Jr., son of Glen Ridge's Chief of Detectives. This is curious, is it not? That the Chief of Detectives in this small community would find his own son involved in the event? Well, it gets curiouser and curiouser. Lieutenant Richard Corcoran, Sr., was in control of investigating the case. We are told he assigned Detective Sheila Byron to the case, but they admit it was his decision who to assign, which means he was in ultimate control of the investigation. In 1994 the prosecution against Corcoran Jr. was dropped for no good reason. The reason given was that the victim's family no longer wished to press charges, but five years on that makes no sense. Why had the prosecution of Corcoran not proceeded long before that? Perhaps because Corcoran Sr. had stalled the investigation? Or was it to allow Corcoran Jr. to join Special Forces?

That's right, this same Richard Corcoran, Jr. applied to Special Forces and was accepted. How does that work? Is it the custom of Special Forces to admit young men indicted on nine counts of rape and torture? You will say he is innocent until proven guilty, but given that all these young men were found guilty in the press long before their actual convictions, that claim doesn't hold much water. Remember, Corcoran was accused by the victim herself in courtroom testimony of actually wielding the stick that penetrated her, so it is difficult to understand how he could not be one of the major players here or how he could not be one of the first ones taken to trial. Seeing that according to the mainstream story, Corcoran appears to have skated based on good fortune more than anything—or more likely the influence of his family—it is somewhat astonishing to find Special Forces considering him a good candidate. I have had friends go into Special Forces, and they background check you all the way to
Mars and back. The Glen Ridge event was a huge national story, so there is no way they overlooked it. I suspect they knew something about the event we didn't: namely, that it never happened.

What you need to know here is that Special Forces is closely linked to the CIA, since both their operations include covert ops and various other intelligence operations. Special Forces historically came out of the OSS and CIA. So to see Corcoran Jr. accepted into Special Forces after the Glen Ridge event is a huge red flag.

But the mystery doesn't quit, since in 2005 this same Richard Corcoran allegedly killed himself in an attempted murder/suicide near Ft. Bragg. To get to that story requires you go to the Wayback Machine, since it has been memoryholed by The New York Daily News and the Associated Press. We also learn from that story that Corcoran won a $200,000 settlement from Essex County in 1997 for malicious prosecution. That's right, not only did Corcoran mysteriously dodge prosecution despite testimony from the victim that he wielded the stick that penetrated her, he actually became $200,000 richer from the event. Given all that, do you believe this Richard Corcoran really died in 2005 at age 34? I don't.

What I suspect is that Corcoran Sr., the Chief Detective of Glen Ridge, also had a military or Intelligence background, and that he was linked somehow to a nearby base. The event would then have been coordinated from there. That is the way it is normally done. Curiously, a people search on this Richard Corcoran pulls up nothing at Intelius. There is no Richard E. Corcoran of his age listed as ever having lived in New Jersey or Glen Ridge. So Intelius has been scrubbed. If we go to InstantCheckmate, we do find a listing for him. He is 69 and has the same relatives as his son. He is also listed as having lived in Henderson, Nevada. This is curious in the extreme, seeing that Nevada is
famous for its secret military bases—and not just Area51. There is a large area south of Henderson blacked out in a Google Search. Beyond that, an unmarked base nearby was recently discovered by locals, making Youtube in 2013. If we take that info back to Intelius, we find that his son of the same name has also lived in Henderson.


The author, Bernard Lefkowitz, couldn't find any interest in the book from big New York publishers and had to settle for the University of Nebraska Press. In 2006, Steven Hart from Opinion Mill asked him about this, finding it odd that such a high profile case with so much publicity wouldn't interest a major publisher. No good answer was forthcoming. But I have a suggestion. University of Nebraska is in Lincoln and also has a presence in nearby Omaha. Offutt Air Force Base is between the two cities.
This is headquarters of the US Strategic Command, but in 1989 it also was headquarters of the Strategic Intelligence Wing. So it is possible Intelligence has its hand in U. of Nebraska Press. No, make that probable. Intelligence has its hand in all US publishing.

Lefkowitz is a curious character as well, having taught journalism at Columbia and also having been an assistant editor at the New York Post. The Post was run by the granddaughter of Jakob Schiff until 1976, when it was bought by Rupert Murdoch. Lefkowitz had been in the Peace Corps. All these things are potential red flags, as we know. But it is the Jewish connection that is most curious. He is Jewish of course, and it turns out the University of Nebraska Press has strong connections to the Jewish community, although we aren't sure why or how. It has a collaborative arrangement with the Jewish Publication Society.

A movie was then made based on Lefkowitz' book. See the under title photo above. Usually, when you see a movie made from a book like this—one based on a sensational headline story—that is more indication the event was faked. Hollywood was an Intelligence creation from day one, and one of the reasons it was created was to make films to back up their propaganda projects. First they run a fake event, then they hire someone to back it up with a book, then they make a film from the book. Each time the story is retold, another layer of lies and emotions can be added.

Now let's look at the event itself. The victim was said to be a mentally retarded girl, but with more research we discover she was co-captain of the high school's junior varsity softball team. Since captain is normally an elected position, it is strange to find a challenged girl in this position. It is also claimed she had been raped six years earlier. She would have been only 11 then. She is now said to work in a department store in that same town. Again, this would be impossible given her IQ of either 49 or 63.


In that one report, we get two major clues. Not everyone on the ground believed the event. Not even the girls who attended the high school believed it. But we rarely heard from them. And why didn't they believe it? Because it wasn't believable. Why would the handsome quarterback rape a retarded girl? He has his pick of dozens of hot girls, so why would he be interested in this retarded girl? The story makes no sense in dozens of basic ways. It is full of huge holes. That one hole was the first red flag that led me into this hoax.


After being convicted of rape, Chris Archer and the Scherzers were allowed to remain free on bail while the case was appealed. Really? Is that how it works? None of them served time until 1997, eight years after the alleged crime. In a real event, it wouldn't happen that way. They don't let convicted rapists roam free while waiting for appeal. Why would they? Say one of these guys rapes again: well, the victim can then sue the county for gross negligence and huge damages. It doesn't happen.


They went to a “campus-style youth correctional facility”. Although the Scherzers were 18 at the time of the crime, the judge classified them as “young-adult offenders”. You may wish to compare this to what you are told in other high-profile crimes, where 14 and 15 year olds are tried as adults. Kyle Scherzer was said to have been released in 1999, after serving 2 years of a 7-year sentence. The other two, said to have been sentenced to 15 years, are said to have served only 4 and 5 years. My guess is the young men weren't to be found at this youth correctional facility at all.


Of course the appeals court finding that the girl was both of age and complied with the acts was never reported in the mainstream or academic press. No one on either side of any debate ever mentions that fact.

Most will now admit this event is suspicious in the extreme, but they will say, “OK, maybe it was manufactured by CIA or someone, but why?” Why would anyone want to fake a horrible rape of a retarded girl by good-looking football players? Answer: as part of the longterm project to demonize men and boys, and especially attractive ones. See my paper on Ted Bundy, where I try to explain it for the first time. Or see the books of Christina Hoff Sommers, such as Who Stole Feminism? and The War on Boys. A resident scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, Sommers admits this has happened and is happening, and she outs many of the academic projects of the past 30 years. Unfortunately, after outing these projects, she pursues her own project of demonizing men and boys, though in a slightly more subtle way. I have recently outed her, and this paper was a spin-off of my close analysis of her books and bio. She uses the Glen Ridge case to support her own analysis of boys and men, which forced me to take this closer look at it. Of course she never questions the mainstream story, only giving us a 3-page retelling it, with no mention of the appeals court finding.

But why demonize men and boys? To separate the sexes. It has been a long term goal of the billionaire industrialists and Plutocrats to drive a wedge between the sexes. Why? Because this creates trauma, and trauma increases all sales. Scared and traumatized people buy more stuff, period. Happy people in good relationships are lousy consumers.