Lincoln’s Assassination was a manufactured event: meaning, it never happened
The second red flag I found is that the assassination took place in a theater. No one ever looks closely at that. It is a red flag because this is all theater. As with Booth being an actor, I have known about Ford’s Theater since I was a child, but—like the rest of you—I have never let the fact really enter my consciousness. I have seen the fact, but I have not observed it. I have memorized it like a bit of history I might need to regurgitate for a test, but have never looked closely at it. We should have always found both facts highly curious. No researcher that I know of has ever tripped over Lincoln's assassination being in a theater. The big clues are missed from the very beginning, which should tell us we have been in the presence of poor researchers from day one. From my vantage, I can tell you that this seems to be caused by the fact that the others are approaching this problem as either history or conspiracy, rather than as a murder investigation. History and conspiracy tend to be very complex, while murder is usually surprisingly simple. Without exception, these other investigators allow themselves to be buried under an excess of information. They soon get lost in the bog. Since the bog was created just for that purpose, we should not be surprised to find them sinking in it; but I will show you a way to pass through without even getting your shoes dirty.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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