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The ORB Explained: An EMF Sticker that Harmonizes Energy

As beings of energy, frequency and vibration, every cell in our body is vibrating with electrical current. As such the body is a big electrical antenna. And the antenna is programmed to respond to everything we encounter or experience: a hug, sunlight, a walk on the beach, smelling flowers..

The same experience happens when we walk into man-made energy fields, such as car exhaust fumes or wireless radiation fields: we pick up their vibration electrically through the antenna, or energy field, that is the human body.

We know that because of the Law of Resonance, the human body has no choice but to react on a vibrational level to other radiation fields in its close proximity - this includes device radiation.

The ORB is a simple patch that you stick on your phone or on any other radiating device. It is a sticker that creates a vibrational match (also known as 'resonance') between the wave field of the radiation and the wave field of the human cell.
Using Nikola Tesla as his inspiration, Prof. Ilija Lakicevic ('Laki'), the inventor of the ORB, has made crucial discoveries about exactly how atoms behave. This has been published in a paper called ‘The True Concept of the Atom’.

Every atom has a wave field, an expression of its motion. Crucially, Laki has discovered how and why man-made microwave radiation (MWR) fields influence the wave fields of balanced human cells.

There are three components to the ORB.

The Zero Point of unlimited potential
The Power of Conscious Human Intent
The Deca – a new unit of energy which can be commanded to bring balance back to our lives.