How many times have you heard someone say:"I'm a Christian but..." and then say something unbiblical?
While in their own mind this person might feel the belief they hold is correct, but when compared to what the Bibles teaches-they are in serious conflict and error. So if you are a Christian, yet any of the following sounds like something that you would say;then you need to start paying more attention to what God tells us in His Word and not what the world and its popular opinions say.
Here are a few of the more common "I'm a Christian but..." statements:
-I believe that God used evolution to create life slowly over time.
-I believe that humans evolved from apes or had an ape-like ancestor millions of years ago.
-I believe humans are animals.
-I believe the great flood of Noah is just a story, and never actually happened.
-I believe the Bible isn't to be taken literally.
-I believe the Bible is just a book of stories or fairy tales.
-I believe the Bible is not actually the words of God.
-I believe the Bible was written only by humans;God was not involved.
-I believe the Bible has been rewritten so many times we can't trust it.
-I don't think the Ten Commandments apply to us today.
-I think the church needs to be more "tolerant".
-I believe the Bible has to be updated to fit our modern society.
-I believe some words/messages in the Bible have been changed or "mistranslated".
-I don't think that homosexuality is sin.
-I support homosexual rights.
-I support homosexual "marriage".
-I believe "love is love", regardless of gender.
-I don't have a problem with abortion.
-I don't believe that hell is real.
-I don't believe that God would send anyone to hell.
-I don't believe Satan or demons are real.
-I believe in Wicca.
-I believe in a "mother earth" type of spirit.
-I believe in reincarnation.
-I believe in ghosts("spirits" of dead humans).
-I don't have a problem with witchcraft.
-I think Halloween is just harmless fun.
-I think certain books/movies/games/TV programs that involve witchcraft are harmless fun.
-I don't have a problem with TV programs that blaspheme the name of God or Christianity.
-I think all pornography is normal.
-I think the ACLU is a good organization.
-I believe there are "many paths" to God.
-I believe there is more then one way to find salvation.
-I believe all religions/beliefs serve the same god.
-I think all religions/beliefs are equal.
-I believe God is whatever you want Him/her/it to be.
-I think truth is whatever you want it to be.
-I don't know if God really exists.
-I believe everyone is going to Heaven in the end.
-I believe there is no actual "right" or "wrong".
-I think having sex outside of marriage is perfectly fine.
-I think having sex with someone is okay, just as long as you "love" them.
-I think it's okay to live together with a person and not be married.
-I think divorce is a good thing.