You think I'm pulling these facts out of my rear? Anarchy and cannabalism were the MOST COMMON features of athiestic communities- so I'm not just choosing to see what I want to see, I'm just looking at the facts and giving them to you at face value. Take them or leave them.
I said shit goddamn, I'm a fundie yes I am, I said shit goddamn, I'm a fundie *crazy guitar riff*
To those who have no idea what I'm talking about....meh, probably a good idea :)
To answer his question:
Yes, we believe you´re pulling these facts out of your rear
But maybe we should talk about christian cannibalism, after all they have the habit of eating Jesus flesh and drinking his blood
The Roman Republic, and later Empire.
The Ottoman Empire.
Yeah, anarchy and cannabalism were just rife in those two.
Cannibalism is present in "all religions". Cannibalism is extremely ritualised as a practice in most people. We often as humans indulge in "self cannibalistic practices". Tasting our blood and indeed scab eating in children is a very common behaviour. Every religion has some sort of pseudo cannibalistic practice. The best examples are "Darshan" and "Communion" both of which are symbolic.
And we do tend to be more independent. So we are anarchists technically.
"Take and eat, my body given to you. Take and drink, my blood given to you"
Yeah, no cannabalism, symbolic or otherwise going on here.
Well, in a sense I guess she's right. I'm not too crazy about our government, which I suppose makes me an anarchist (let's not throw in the logic that opposing the CURRENT government doesn't mean I oppose ALL government...that'll just confuse her). And technically, I AM a cannibal, because I do frequently "eat" other people...but probably not in the way she's thinking...
I think you're confusing 'athiestic' communities with zombie communities.
Those guys in George Romero's films were zombies, not atheists.
Thank you. I've been visiting my best buddy in the hospital today, and needed a good laugh.
'ey, Chairman Mao, don't eat all the pesants yourself, leave some for Comrade Stalin:D!
Those aren't facts. Cannibalism is mostly observed in survival situations such as airplane crashes and 3rd-world countries where it's part of a ritual or superstition.
Besides, I'm a vegetarian because I don't like the flavor of most meat, so....
Not a cannibal.
"Anarchy and cannabalism were the MOST COMMON features of athiestic communities"
Name an "atheistic community" in which those two things ran rampant. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
But...Deviantart's for looking at The Pretty Arts, not religious wankery!
That's what GameFAQs is for! Git! Go!
And yes, you are pulling things out of your ass.
It is hard to find barbequed or sour cream and onion christians.
In fact most christians are just plain cheesy.
Seriously though, the christians in the middle east stuck spits into babies and roasted them alive.
Then they ate them.
I think the 'atheistic' 'communist' countries tend to be rather keen on rules and bureaucracy, not anarchy.
And 'transubstantiation' is pretty damn close to cannibalism (although I suppose emilytheartist doesn't think Catholics are really Christians anyway).
Oh and:
Seriously though, the christians in the middle east stuck spits into babies and roasted them alive.
Then they ate them.
I know there were some weird Early Christian sects that we'd call blasphemous today (ie semen worship, appeasing Satan etc) but citation needed on that one ;-)
Of course you're not pulling those "facts" from your rear, Emily. Unless you're a minotaur or something, then I doubt you can account for all that bullshit you've got there.
Anarchist cannibal atheists? I only wish there was someone that outlandish, because it sure would make for one hell of a barbecue after the revolution against the system.
"You think I'm pulling these facts out of my rear?"
Yes, I do.
"Anarchy and cannabalism were the MOST COMMON features of athiestic communities- so I'm not just choosing to see what I want to see, I'm just looking at the facts and giving them to you at face value."
You didn't give me any "facts." You gave us a libelous, outlandish assertion backed up by no evidence whatsoever.
I suspect Sheik yer Bouti was referring to an anecdote about starving crusaders ressorting to cannibalism, not to a form of ritual cannibalism.
On a side note, I can say that I have met an actual cannibal. In fact when you know the details it's rather anticlimatic: he is an anthropologist who once studied a tribe (Amazonian, IIRC) where funerary rites include a form of ritual cannibalism: the corpse of the defunct is cremated upon a pyre, then the ashes and bones are ground and mixed in a drink shared by the tribe. His Introduction to Anthropology course was really popular ^^
"You think I'm pulling these facts out of my rear?"
Yes, actually. Cite your sources or I don't buy it, bitch.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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