"How many times have you heard someone say:"I'm a Christian but..." and then say something unbiblical?
While in their own mind this person might feel the belief they hold is correct, but when compared to what the Bibles teaches-they are in serious conflict and error."
Yes, that's how we know they are not completely insane. Still deluded, but not completely insane.
OK, here we go.
"Here are a few of the more common "I'm a Christian but..." statements:
-I believe that God used evolution to create life slowly over time."
Nope. That requires God to be real and there is no evidence supporting that assertion.
"-I believe that humans evolved from apes or had an ape-like ancestor millions of years ago."
Not from apes, but, yes, from an ape-like ancestor.
"-I believe humans are animals."
Absolutely. That's the fact, Jack.
"-I believe the great flood of Noah is just a story, and never actually happened."
Yup. Sorry to rain on your pitiful, little parade.
"-I believe the Bible isn't to be taken literally."
Yes, in fact most of the Bible simply isn't to be taken at all.
"-I believe the Bible is just a book of stories or fairy tales."
No exactly. The Bible is a badly organized, poorly written hodge=podge of stories and fairy tales.
"-I believe the Bible is not actually the words of God."
Here again, this hinges upon God being real, and (more rain for the parade,) there is nothing to show that God is real and plenty to show that God is afiction invented by man.
"-I believe the Bible was written only by humans;God was not involved."
See above.
"-I believe the Bible has been rewritten so many times we can't trust it."
No, I believe the Bible was never a trustworthy source of information.
"-I don't think the Ten Commandments apply to us today."
The first four are concerned with the ego of your fictional God and can, therefore, be dismissed. Several of the others are pretty good ideas regardless of the era.
"-I think the church needs to be more 'tolerant'."
Yes, though ideally churches and the Church should cease to exist and people should deal with reality.
"-I believe the Bible has to be updated to fit our modern society."
See above.
"-I believe some words/messages in the Bible have been changed or 'mistranslated'."
As so much of the Bible is worthless crap, I don't think a mistranslation here or there is really an issue. I get the gist of it and the gist of it is terrible.
"-I don't think that homosexuality is sin."
I don't believe gods exist and as sin is an offense to a god, I don't believe sin exists either.
Patently, there is nothing wrong with responsible sex between consenting adults.
"-I support homosexual rights."
I support equal rights for all persons, no more, no less.
"-I support homosexual 'marriage'."
Of course. See above.
"-I believe 'love is love', regardless of gender."
Of course.
"-I don't have a problem with abortion."
No, I think abortion for selecting the sex of an uncoming child is stupid, but I support a woman's right to determine what is right for her.
"-I don't believe that hell is real."
There is no evidence supporting the existence of hell, so, no, I don't believe in hell.
"-I don't believe that God would send anyone to hell."
Here again, first, you must prove that God and hell exist before you can use that premise.
"-I don't believe Satan or demons are real."
They are no more real than your God. They are entirely fictional.
"-I believe in Wicca."
I think they have some good ideas, but, I don't believe in any supernatural assertions no matter which religion is making them.
"-I believe in a 'mother earth' type of spirit."
See above.
"-I believe in reincarnation."
No. There is no evidence supporting reincarnation.
"-I believe in ghosts('spirits' of dead humans)."
Nope. See above.
"-I don't have a problem with witchcraft."
No. I think it's funny that people believe in witchcraft, but then, it's no stupider than believing in Christianity.
"-I think Halloween is just harmless fun."
"-I think certain books/movies/games/TV programs that involve witchcraft are harmless fun."
Absolutely. Quit being such a stick in the mud. Live a little. Come on, just a little.
"-I don't have a problem with TV programs that blaspheme the name of God or Christianity."
Nope, no problem at all. Do you have a problem with blaspheming the FSM or Zeus?
"-I think all pornography is normal."
I think some porn is great, but some is not to my taste. I do not care for the idea of you defining what is normal.
"-I think the ACLU is a good organization."
Nope. I think the ACLU is a GREAT organization. I donate money to them. They protect everyone's rights including jackasses like you.
"-I believe there are 'many paths' to God."
No, there are no paths to God as God is a fiction.
"-I believe there is more then one way to find salvation."
No. See above.
"-I believe all religions/beliefs serve the same god."
Nope. All gods are fictional, so the effects are the same, but I don't think Taoists or Hindus etc. are worshipping the Christian God.
"-I think all religions/beliefs are equal."
I think they're all almost equally stupid.
"-I believe God is whatever you want Him/her/it to be."
No. I believe God is fictional no matter what one believes.
"-I think truth is whatever you want it to be."
Of course not! Facts are facts no matter what one believes.
"-I don't know if God really exists."
When it comes right down to it, I can't absolutely, positively prove that God doesn't exist, however, there is no evidence supporting his existence and there is such a mountain of evidence showing that God doesn't exist that I am quite comfortable in asserting that God doesn't exist. Always happy to change my mind when presented with new credible evidence.
"-I believe everyone is going to Heaven in the end."
No one is going to heaven as heaven doesn't exist.
"-I believe there is no actual "right" or "wrong"."
That's stupid. It is always wrong to knowingly, willfully dash your little ones against the rocks. Certainly there are some things which are absolutely wrong, but all judgement should be made on individual cases.
"-I think having sex outside of marriage is perfectly fine."
Only if all parties have given informed consent.
"-I think having sex with someone is okay, just as long as you 'love' them."
No, they must give their informed consent. Your love is not enough without their consent.
"-I think it's okay to live together with a person and not be married."
Absolutely, and get this, you can even have sex with them if both of you are willing.
"-I think divorce is a good thing."
I think it can be.
I think this is enough.