
Star-Fire From Nibiru 12 TTRodgers #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia reptilianagenda.com

<Older but classic 1999 from the The Reptilian Agenda archive>
Anyway, I'm going to run this by Awareness before I throw it out. It's called 'Reptoids Involved With Sex-Change Operations.' And it reads: 'Reptoid aliens were associated with sex-change surgeons in California and New York as part of an experiment by them to learn how to control the behavior of humans and are believed to have taken the testicles of the thousands of men who underwent sex-change surgery to female for unknown reasons. Over 50,000 men in America have undergone sex-change operations. Most also receive silicon implants to create artificial breasts and others had implants of silicon placed in other parts of their bodies. These could also be Reptoid implant devices.

One transsexual has disclosed that one of the Reptoid aliens revealed itself to her. The Reptoid had some means to disguise itself completely as another human transsexual and was associated with the human transsexual for four years. The Reptoid had been associated with a sex change surgeon in California for many years.
She says: 'A Reptoid who has rebelled against his Reptoid masters has revealed that MANY Reptoids are disguised as humans and is exposing the Reptoid plot to kill off as many humans by AIDS as well as reduce the number of humans born by promoting homosexuality, lesbianism and abortion in hopes that fewer humans would be born, but resistance to homosexuality, lesbianism and abortion by most humans forced the Reptoids to create the AIDS virus and release it to kill as many humans as possible and also scare humans from having sex. That's helping to lower the birth rate as well.'"