The Great Delusion #fundie #conspiracy
The most substantial obstacle to unifying humanity is our long history of differences. Different races, religions, politics and philosophies. The first step in achieving the fallen angels’ agenda will be to remove the barriers that divide humanity by creating a new universal religion that rewrites theological history.
The goal of the fallen angels isn’t necessarily to be worshiped themselves, but rather to encourage people to love themselves more than God and others. Sin originated with Lucifer when he decided to love himself more than God. Selfishness (self-love) is the reason Lucifer was exiled from Heaven. This new universal religion will emphasize loving one’s self above everything else; the very definition of sin.
A being named Sananda will likely claim to be the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Sananda will partner with existing religious institutions like the Papacy (Antichrist) to help Christians cope with these shocking revelations and establish a new ecumenical body of believers.
Jews have been expecting their Messiah for thousands of years. When Jesus Christ was born in Israel to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament unfortunately most Jews did not recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah. As a result Jesus was killed by the Jews for allegedly speaking blasphemy against God. Modern-day Jews continue to expect a coming Savior. The fallen angel Sananda may also play a secondary role as the promised Jewish Messiah.
Atheism and Agnosticism
Many people today reject religion altogether because they view it as archaic and antiquated. However, atheists and agnostics are actually some of the most devout believers in the religion of science and observation. They only believe what they can see and prove. The appearance of extraterrestrials, their advanced technology and demonstrations of supernatural powers will illicit devotion and worship from even the supposedly “non-religious”.